This past week at work has been...interesting. I suppose that's probably the politest way I can describe the cluster-fuck we've been dealing with.

We are short-staffed pretty much everywhere right now, which means that those of us hotel staff who can do spa stuff have been helping there as well.

Yesterday was my day off, but the manager managed to wrangle me an appointment to get my nails done after I ended up having my Wednesday appointment bumped due to sick calls. I stopped by her office afterwards to thank her for getting me in...and discovered that we've got a whole mess of retraining to do. Oh, not me needing to be retrained, but retraining the existing spa attendants so that they aren't doing only half the job. And guess who gets to do that...the first two guesses don't count.

I don't really mind, tbh. It's just sad that the newest spa attendants weren't trained properly - the lady that trained them is the same one who trained me, but I think she knew she was going to be leaving soon anyway, so she slacked off big time. Even though I don't do spa attendant work anymore, it's not like I'm going to forget how to do it. So my boss has tagged me to retrain the new spa attendants that we're getting. Woo? But we've got at least one who is going to balk the entire way...ugh.

And I'm having to rejig the hotel schedule to allow for a couple of us to cover the spa front desk. We don't actually have a f/t spa desk person right now, and we know that when one gets hired that it is going to be a learning curve. So, for the first time since I got into management at work, I've actually brought work home with me. The next two weeks' worth of schedules need to be played around with a bit to accommodate the spa and ensure coverage at the hotel desk. I don't know how I'm going to end up getting two days off a week for the next bit, but such is life. And it means o/t for me because I'm not salaried, thankfully.

Fortunately the other f/t hotel desk person is back on Monday - the spa is closed, the hotel is not busy, and I'm taking that day off next week. I'll likely also give myself next Thursday off too because the p/t hotel desk person can work that day at the spa desk (she used to work at the spa over a year ago so she's already familiar with everything).

The other f/t hotel desk person is a bit hands-off when it comes to spa stuff, and I can sort of understand - he's a guy who doesn't know a whole lot about spa services in the first place. So I'll be keeping him at the front desk instead of trying to get him to cover hours at the spa.

But the whole having to retrain people for a basic job has me shaking my head. The only reason I had to stop doing it was because my knees couldn't handle the stairs anymore, or I'd likely still be working a couple half-shifts a week as a spa attendant.

I know I can't complain though. It will give me f/t hours, which I'm supposed to get anyway as management. As it is, this week alone I've got four hours of overtime for having to come in this past Monday to cover the clinic desk as the regular clinic receptionist had to go to another clinic to help train in a new receptionist. And I have visions of me ending up with more o/t next week too!


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