So, I now know why I was asked if I was a certain guy's new girlfriend the first time I set foot in a place I'm now a regular at. Apparently, his ex-wife/whatever told everybody that I was the guy's new girlfriend and she thought it was rude that he and I would pick that place for our first date when we knew she was going to be there, and how he was flaunting his new woman in front of her.

At the time, I couldn't stand the man, and I didn't hide it. Everybody knew it by the end of the night too. But rumours persisted. Because, of course, they did.

It explains a LOT about what has happened over the previous year and a bit, and why the missus kept trying to say shit about me.

I was asked point blank today by a mutual acquaintance/friend if I had been trying to make a move on the guy all the way back then, because of the bullshit missus said about me. At the time I had no intention of even being friends with him, so I don't know where the lie came from.

However, looking back at missus' behaviour since that night it explains so much.

Admittedly, the guy is the one I'm semi-involved with now. But it was never an intentional thing between either of us. And we've been going out of our way to stop any further speculation from folks who know all three of us. We spend time together when we are able to, and say nothing to those people.

I know there was a time when he would regularly pick me up from work and drop me off at our usual haunt, and he'd get calls/texts from missus accusing him of cheating on her with me. And this was before anything EVER happened.

But knowing what I do now, I'm very tempted to make an obvious display in front of her. Give her a valid reason to be pissed off at me. Besides, she has only stayed with him because she thinks he's her cash cow.

I also know that she thinks he's going to somehow shield her from some very real karmic kickback that is headed her way. Frankly, for the fraud she's committed and the attempted fraud attempts, she has it coming. And her causing drama to try to throw the scent off of her is starting to completely backfire on her. More and more people are realizing what a shitty person she truly is, and none of them can figure out WHY he hasn't kicked her out, lock, stock, and barrel, because anybody else in his situation would have.

He had told me that she had accused him of beating her at some point. Now, keep in mind that I have personal experience with this sort of thing, and I know what to look for. Not once has she shown any signs of it, either with him or without him being there. If anything, I'd say she's the abusive one. I've seen her haul off and hit him for no reason, him asking what that was for, and her saying there was no reason, that she just felt like it. And he would flinch from her when she brought one of her hands up. So, yeah. There's that. And with my background if I felt at all unsafe around him, I wouldn't go near him. And, today, I got confirmation that she had told other people that he had beat her...and that person's opinion matches mine. Sure, at first the person thought there might be some truth to it, but looking back it's pretty clear that it was all for attention. Still is.

In the end, after everything clears up in terms of his health (my fingers are crossed that he makes it through surgery and whatnot), that he gets a clue and finally dumps her on her mother's doorstep. No, I don't expect that we'll jump into a very public relationship at that time - I just hope he'll be able to be happier during how ever long he has left. I'm pretty confident that it won't be with her at his side.


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