I'm on the first of two days off, back to back, and so far I have accomplished a bit. I was up at 9:50 and out the door by 10:20, heading to the Farmers' Market for their Pride Market. I may have bought a bit more than I had originally intended on, but I love being able to support local vendors. I have another wand to add to my collection - not sure with HP franchise it is from, but it's lovely all the same - and a couple of books to add to my collection. And two stickers that caught my attention.

Now I'm sitting in a coffee shop taking a break from working on my novel. The plan is to eventually head to Value Village to see if anything new has come in that I could add to my wardrobe. And I also want to stop at a Dollarama at some point today or tomorrow to pick up a foam roller and a yoga belt to help with the stretches I need to do for my physio homework.

Back to work on Tuesday morning where I will be working on cancelling and rebooking appointments, giving people the bad news that three of our estheticians are not coming back from leave. The entire situation there is stupid as instead of talking to the manager about recent changes to the commission structure the estheticians are opting to go on leave and not coming back, all because they don't agree with the changes that were made. None of them have bothered to look deeper into the changes and are simply blaming the person/people they see as responsible for these changes. Little do they realize that for the commission structure is that if it had gone out the way the manager they're all so devoted to had originally devised, that it would have been much more restrictive and with a much higher target amount that was entirely unrealistic to meet.

I am a little put out over one of the estheticians that have decided to take this childish move as she had become my nail tech. But unless we get another gel nail tech in I will likely be filing the gel mostly off my nails and going with acrylic that I can apply myself. I finally have the length I like and other than the gel overlay my natural nails are long - no more fake tips at this time. And I really do not want to go back to just my natural nails as they are really weak and tend to shred way too easily. I know I could reach out to her to take me on as a private client, but the more I have thought about what's going on the more I realize that I don't want to deal with somebody so childish. Don't get me wrong, I love the job she has done on my nails, but I don't like the attitude that is going along with the shit at work.

But right now I need to get back to writing for a bit. As in working on my novel instead of a blog post :P


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