First physio appointment in the bag

And it was a bit of an eye opener for me!

I've known for ages that my right knee is in worse shape than my left, but today really proved how much worse and why I have had more issues with it. And that while my legs are fairly muscular (it's easy to see when I'm wearing shorts like I was today) that the right muscles need to be activated to help stabilize my knees.

I have a sheet of exercises and stretches to work on over the next two weeks, plus a recommendation for massage therapy. The goal is to help loosen up one set of muscles to make it easier for me to strengthen up another set that will help keep my kneecaps in place. I knew that I had a couple of tight leg muscles but I did not know how they affected everything else in my leg.

I also have to make a conscious effort to not cross my legs, and to keep my feet situated under my knees properly when I sit. Using a foot rest is a good thing so long as I mind my knee placement. And I have to start using my right leg more when I get up from chairs and whatnot because it has likely grown weaker from me using my left leg to lift off with more. Considering that my right leg is my dominant leg it's kind of weird that I would utilize my left so much, but it makes sense considering that my right knee has always been the worst of the two.

I'm still a bit ticked at my landlord for showing up a day earlier than expected, but such is life, I suppose. I really can't fault him for being angry that more of the shit in my house hasn't been taken out yet. I know that I should have been doing more during my time off to help clean shit up. But I made excuses for myself, and now they've come to bite me in the ass. However, once I eat a little something and get some more water into me, I will be getting right back to work. The stairs are going to be the death of me, but I really can't let them stop me from clearing out more stuff. Besides, once I have reclaimed more space I will be able to finally move the stuff I am keeping to where I want it all to go!

Now to just get my ass in gear...*sigh*


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