So, I've been verbally given a three month eviction notice due to my landlord wanting to renovate the apartment I've been living in for almost 12 years. And he's made it clear that he will not entertain the idea of me coming back once the renovations are done. Yes, the place needs some work - I've been here for 12 years so wear and tear are only natural.

Of course, the day he needed into the apartment was a day where the place was a state. I'd just worked my last day of a string of five days in a row and housework needed to be done. Five days worth of dishes in the sink, garbage that was in the process of being collected to put out on garbage day, and laundry that was in the process of being washed, dried, folded, and put away. Plus stuff on the floor because I'd been going through my collection of doom bags and boxes so I could get rid of more things I don't need or have room for. It clearly wasn't putting the best look out there for my landlord to see, and due to him having seen my place in much worse shape, well, I guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back for him. He has never seen my place when it's fully cleaned up and organized so he's got no fucking clue that I *CAN* get the place looking good.

But, whatever.

One of the sad things about this city is how much rents are. So many landlords are renting their available properties for ridiculous prices. Even bachelor/studio apartments tend to be priced outside of what I can afford on my own. And you want to know why? Because university students, especially international students, will pay the exorbitant rental prices. Living in a university town can definitely have it's drawbacks sometimes. And, of course, I have to be out of here before the end of a school semester so it is going to be even harder to find a place. Not including how difficult it is to find places that will allow pets...I'd rather not be separated from my cat. However, my daughter has agreed to take my cat in if I can't find a place that will allow me to keep her with me.

For now though, I can only keep looking for a place and work on getting rid of things I absolutely don't need. Anything I can sell will be put up on FB Marketplace or kijiji, with the hope of getting a fair price for any of it. I will also be streamlining my desk set up because I really don't need the huge desk I currently have. As it is, I've removed the L-extension from it because it was taking up too much room. Will I sell the desk? I doubt I'd get much for it, but I'll give it a shot once I clean up the top of it. Either way, the plan is to get rid of it because if I end up only being able to rent a room in a shared flat, I won't have room for the damn thing.

What I'm not looking forward to is the day I have to actually move everything out. I know I'll be doing pretty much all of it myself...up and down two flights of stairs over and over again before giving the place one final clean. I mean, I know that the landlord will be repainting everything and pulling up all the flooring, but I won't have it be said that I left the place a complete state, as tempting as that is. At least this time I won't have a heavy, awkward couch to deal with. And I know I can take apart my bookcases and TV stand to make moving those easier too.

I think I'm going to see if I kept all the original cupboard knobs and put them back in place. He isn't going to be keeping the ones I spent good money on, that's for damn sure.

Time for me to get to work doing at least some basic housework. Clean laundry to put away, dishes to deal with, gather up any garbage that hasn't made it into a bag yet. And maybe start culling the stuff I don't need anymore or won't see myself needing anytime soon.



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