Slowly but surely my apartment is coming together.
I just moved my computer desk into my bedroom and recovered the work surface from the plain black vinyl I'd installed on there over a year ago. The work surface is now covered in black 'marble' vinyl instead, installed in a single cohesive sheet rather than the multiple cuts I ended up doing with the other vinyl. Duck Tape products are much more user friendly and allowed me to make adjustments before I fully smoothed the vinyl down.
I also found the itty bitty Command hook thingies I'd bought ages ago for cord maintenance, and now my keyboard and mouse have their cords nicely secured and out of the way, but with enough slack on the cable for me to move my keyboard tray in and out to its full extension. I love the look of less cords when I can manage it.
For now, my old desk is in my old bedroom until I can get in there and do more work to get the room set up for my craft/storage area. That will be the room that takes me the longest, I swear. It's just so easy to shut the door and forget about it. Until I need something that I'm sure is tucked away in there somewhere. Oh well, such is life. It *will* get done - I just don't know when.
Tonight is my first writing class of this session, which is part of what drove me to finally get my desk switched around. Now I have to deal with the stuff that has gotten piled on my bed while I was clearing everything off of both desks. Why? Because my computer camera will be partially face my bed and nobody needs to see that horrible mess tonight. It will likely just be stuffed into bags and put out of sight (likely in my old room...) for tonight, and then I'll start picking away at those bags, and all the other ones, as I have the time and energy. But at least I *have* that time to get things sorted, right?
Class is in just over three more hours, so let's see what I can accomplish between now and then!
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