Day three of working in the cafe.
My feet hurt and my back hates me. But it could be worse!
It's amazing how quickly things came back to me in terms of cooking. Such as various kinds of eggs...I like mine over-easy, but not everybody does, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to recall the timings for the different eggs. I didn't need to worry about a damn was like riding a bike.
Friday the cafe was busy, but I managed to do pretty good. The tips were definitely nice - between cash and credit I made more in a single day that the former café supervisor did in an entire month. And when I do the payroll tomorrow morning I know that my credit card tips will be more for two days than the former missus received in the pay period.
Saturday wasn't as busy as Friday was and I had help too, not that I really needed it too much, but it was nice to get a chance to sit for a little bit. And I was able to do some training with the lady who was with me. I was rather dismayed to find out that the former missus treated my assistant like absolute garbage - condescending, demanding, rude, and not being willing to train her at all. My boss had clearly hired a covert racist and the lady I worked with yesterday got the brunt of it. If we'd known before that she was being treated like this it would have ended a LOT sooner. Like holy shit. We don't tolerate racism or shit like that.
Today I ended up being by myself because it was so slow. My assistant from yesterday was scheduled with me today but I knew it was going to be incredibly slow, and she needed some more hotel front desk training. So, seeing as how she was going to get paid one way or the other we decided to have her do that training. It was slow enough today that I did a deep clean on the entire cafe, including bleaching the cutting board. It was badly needed, even though I'm paying the price for it due to my body hating me now.
I'm not back in the cafe until Wednesday, and I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not. I don't usually work on Wednesdays right now due to a class I'm taking, but we're going to make it work. I'm off at 3:30pm and my class is online at 7pm. What I'm contemplating doing is getting a hotel room for that night at one of our other properties and heading there after I'm done at the cafe. Of course I'll be making myself something for dinner for my stay and then having breakfast at the property - it's a B&B so I plan on taking full advantage of that, of course :P I'm off Thursday so I won't even have to rush off to work or anything like that...I can just relax before I get my ass in gear for the rest of my day off.
Of course, now, I just have to get through the next couple of days!
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