Monday I learned that my spendy friend is jealous of the fact that I have been given permission to book a free night at either of the company's accommodations whenever I want. Meaning the hotel or the B&B, my choice so long as I don't bump a paying guest to do it.

I asked about a free room last week only because I felt that it was adequate compensation for giving up one of my days off the week before. If you don't ask, you don't get. And I figured that the worst that could happen is that I get told no. Instead I was told I could stay for an entire week if I wanted to!

So, when I was touching base with my boss on Monday she extended the offer to me again, letting me know that I could do it whenever I wanted because she knows that I don't book on a busy night. And she knows that being able to just shut the world out, even if only for a night, does me the world of good. Or at least staves off complete burn-out for a little while longer.

I'm thinking that closer to the middle of September that I may book an entire week off. Or see about booking my birthday week off even though I know that we will be down a person who takes a shift or two at the hotel desk.

Speaking of that...

My spendy friend - who laments the fact that she needs money - keeps booking time off. And then wonders why we won't give her all the hours that she wants. It's got pretty much everything to do with her availability being all over the map. Not to mention that she's got a regular day job that she's made clear is her priority. I do know that if it were me doing the schedule for accommodations that she'd get few hours until she can commit to being more available. I think we could easily give her the f/t hours she asked me about last week if only she were available when we actually need her.

What gets me is that she feels that she can just book vacation whenever she wants, or changing her availability at the drop of a hat. Regardless of how it screws other people. I get that she wants to see her family and whatnot...but what about the rest of us? I mean, I haven't seen the rest of my family in 15 fucking years and now that I'm making more per hour I'm not running off at the first chance I get...not until the busy hotel season is over. But I guess she feels that it's okay for her because she works up at the spa too? I don't know, but I do know that I haven't been happy since she booked almost two weeks off of work...time that includes the days I routinely try to take off around my birthday. So guess who isn't going to be able to do that this year unless things really change?

Yet she gets upset that I'm being permitted to book myself a free room here and there? Even after I've told her that all she has to do is ask the big boss if she can book a free room. I'm pretty sure I could authorize it but I still feel that it should come from my boss, and it's not up to me to ask on Spendy's behalf.


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