It would appear that my friend still hasn't opted to get her spending under control...and her excuse right now is that after her tax refund was re-evaluated she ended up getting much more back.
Sure, she paid down/off one credit card, but what about the others? And now she's spending more money on top of it all?
I'm just going to keep my mouth shut whenever she complains about not having enough money for things. I mean, it wouldn't be too bad if she didn't make as much money as she does and didn't live with somebody else who makes decent bank. I simply can't understand why she has a hell of a time making ends meet. Well, it's more that I can't understand why she hasn't fully figured it out or at least hasn't admitted to it. I know I will be hard pressed to not point out that she has a problem with spending.
I know for myself that I'm learning to stretch my money further but I'm also now paying for everything myself now. So, yeah, I don't have as much money as I used to, but it's not because I'm dropping money everywhere in the name of 'supporting local'. Quite simply put - if you are struggling to make ends meet then something's gotta give. And for me that means no longer buying things I don't absolutely need.
I'm also going to be cancelling my pull box at the comic book store because I just can't afford it. Not that the comics I collect come out even monthly these days, but still. Not until I can get things fully sorted out and bills paid down once again. It's amazing to sit back and look at how much my kid covered when she was living with me.
Such is life though. In the meantime, I'm going to relax and read a good book!
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