Day three of living alone. Well, alone if you only include humans. I've still got my cat and she's been glued to my side every chance that she gets. I don't know if she misses the other cat or not - they got along but they weren't inseparable or anything like that, so I may or may not get another cat in the house. I don't know yet.

The empty room has been completely painted. Well, except for the ceiling and the trim, but the important things have been painted. Namely, the walls. It looks so much brighter in there than it did previously. Now I just need to put a brighter bulb into the ceiling light fixture and it will look even brighter. I have to admit that I'm very tempted to get something other than black curtains for the room - I discovered today that I am going to have to replace the curtains that are currently in there because the white coating on the back of them is sticky and starting to come off. I washed them today and hung them up damp, and I had to pull them apart as the white stuff was all sticking together and all streaky on the back. I suppose that is only to be expected when dealing with cheap curtains though.

Almost five years ago I purchased a portable closet thingy from Amazon. It has sat in it's box all this time, unopened, waiting for the opportunity to finally put it together. Today its time came, and it is now standing in the freshly painted room. It's bigger than I thought it was going to be so I can't put it on the wall I originally planned on! But that's okay, because it just means that I will just change my plans around a bit for the room. I still want it to be my bedroom once all is said and done. It just means I have to really think about whether or not my antique trunk will be doing in there or not. There's a very good chance that I may end up putting my desk in where I had originally planned on putting the closet thingy instead of moving the desk into the living room. Oh well. I've got plenty of time to figure things out!

I may end up putting my new shoe racks into the room if they will fit beside the closet thingy. They're the same basic consstruction, but I can't remember what colour they are...if they're black, they will go well, but if now, oh well, I suppose.

I'm still at a bit of a loss about what to do with myself without my daughter around to speak to. Especially as she isn't on Discord a whole lot. I have been doing a lot of puttering around the apartment, cleaning a few things, trying to figure out what project to start on next, and where to put stuff when things don't fit/work out the way I'd hoped originally. Surprisingly though, I'm not giving into my usual depression activity - sleeping all day. It's possibly due in part to knowing that I still have so much to do, and also knowing that this is just another stage of life for my daughter and I. At least she didn't move out suddenly because she was pissed off, and she also made sure that I would be able to afford the apartment on my own, or at least had some other plan just in case I couldn't manage it. But considering that rent is just a little more than 1/3 of my average monthly net pay, I'm not in too bad of shape. Next payday though I will need to put more money towards bills than I have this payday. I'll put half my rent payment away, of course, and then pay bills, and buy some groceries.

In the meantime, I know that I will keep puttering around my apartment and getting things set up the way I want them. And in time I will get back to my crafty things and my writing. I do, after all, have a first draft of a book to finish up, and a baby blanket to get done by the end of the month. And I will be able to have all my craft stuff in one place - the spare bedroom - along with my table, and multiple storage bings and boxes. 

It will be so nice to not have everything spread everywhere. My apartment has been a disaster for ages, and less than conducive for anything really creative. Hell, I can barely get to my kitchen table right now to do basically anything! The eventual goal with that is to put the kitchen table into the spare room and keep it clear so I can do any sort of hobby/craft that needs me to use a table - sewing, paper crafts, puzzles, painting (not walls), and so much more. It's not like I've really ever used the table to eat meals at anyway, and now that it's just me, I don't really need it for meals anyway. I am on the hunt for a small, two-person, table though. And maybe some TV trays? I'll just have to see what the future brings me, I guess.

Tomorrow, I will be likely removing the absolute last of the stuff out of the newly painted room. The shop vac, the new vacuum (that is over a year old but only got used for the first time today), the ac unit (that will eventually go back into one of the windows once I get a proper support for it), the bag of garbage, and whatever bits and bobs is still on the end table in there. And one of the two milk crates - I'll leave one in there as it's a great place to sit while sorting through things on the ground...such as clothing that I will be dumping in a huge pile so I can sort through it all.

Speaking of clothes - a couple of years ago I bought a used pair of Sweet Legs leggings, size XL. They didn't fit my fat ass so I gave them to my daughter as they would easily fit her. They were a small fit, or so it appeared. Well, my daughter decided that she didn't want them so she put them into one of her discard bags of clothes. I pulled them out because I'd forgotten about them and was curious...they were freshly washed so no worries there. I proceeded to put them on with the idea that they would at least protect my modesty while I had the curtains in the room down. They actually fit. As it, not too tight or stretched across my ass so much that you could see my underwear. They. Fit.

I should go step on my scale to see if I've lost weight or just inches. Either way...the damn leggings fit beautifully, and they will be added to my collection of leggings that I regularly wear! Go me.

On the subject of weight loss, the girl who does my eyebrows and lashes for me commented that it looks like I've lost weight. I had an appointment today for my usual brow wax and brow/lash tint, and she commented on it while I was laying on the esthetics table. I know my legs muscles are still tight from all the stairs I had to climb up and down Saturday, but it's not really a bad thing.

Oh, and my daughter decided to leave me with most of the consoles. She had downloaded several emulators and the games she wants, so she really doesn't need everything she had for so long. She took the systems she actually plays as well as the corresponding games, and left the rest with me. The only system I would not let her take was my PS4, and I had requested that she leave the Wii so I could start using my Wii Fit stuff finally now that I can work out in just my underwear (I overheat really easily so working out in my underwear is a preference, but not one I was going to subject my daughter too). She took the X-Box 360 and her Nintendo Switch, and left me with both PS2s, the Wii, and the GameCube, as well as my PS4, of course. Now to figure out how to connect them all to the TV again...*sigh*

Anyhow, I'm feeling a bit snack-ish so I should go grab something small to much on before I start seriously contemplating going to bed. Or starting another mini-project so I can get a head start on my day tomorrow. Meh, whatever I do it will have to be kinda quiet so I don't disturb the folks living in the apartment below me. So no laundry or vacuuming. For now.


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