I sometimes wonder about people and how their thought processes work. Or don't work.

I had an employee reach out to me Saturday morning and ask if there was a way to get their pay sent to another account. I explained that it was too late for this pay period - Saturday night is cut off for this pay period and we get paid this coming Friday. If she had come to me a week ago I could have submitted her new banking information, but now it's just too late.

I asked her why, and she explained that she's in her overdraft so basically she doesn't get paid this week from this very part-time job of hers that she knows she cannot rely on steady hours from. And that she was over the time-frame her bank gave her to pay her overdraft before she would never be able to use it again.

Now, I have a feeling she meant overdraft protection, and yes, if you remain overdrafted in your account most banks will remove that from you. But you still have to pay back that money that the bank basically floated to you until your next pay. If she meant overdraft as a line of credit used to be called, then she could basically live in it and only have to fully pay it out if she were to close that account.

My concern with how she explained it to me is that by depositing her meager pay from the part-time job into a different account that she wouldn't be paying back her bank the money she owes. At least not right away. What she may have failed to understand is that if she were to wait to pay back those funds is that she'd be hit with penalties and fees that would put her further in the hole...not a good place to be.

So, while I was having my shower earlier I did some thinking.

I get that money is tight for everyone, but considering that she and her partner went out of town this weekend while gas is at an all-time high, well. I can understand the need to get away, but not when you're already trying to rob Peter to pay Paul.

I've known this person long enough to know that she is an emotional shopper and does not always keep as close an eye on her spending as she should. She is often searching for the next great deal, and has more clothes than most people I know. I don't know people who have two large completely different seasonal wardrobes, to the point where I'm not sure where her partner stores their own clothing. I can't understand the need to never wear the same outfit twice. That's not the way my brain works.

I do know that whenever I've gone out somewhere with her and we've gone shopping that I have overspent more than once, just like she has. Even when I really couldn't afford it on my own. And now that I don't have my daughter paying half the rent, groceries, and whatnot, I definitely can't afford it at all anymore. And I make way less than she does. Sure, I also don't have the same amount of bills she does, but I also know that she is very prone to spending more than she earns at her high-paying job. It explains a lot about why she often has more than one job at a time. It also explains why for years her parents were giving her money to help her get by. Despite living in a two-income home. Yes, I know neither of them were making the best money, but at the same time she was still spending more than she was making. So...yeah.

I also got the feeling that she was trying to guilt trip me over how she's not getting more hours at my work. Yes, at one point she was getting regular hours every week at my work. And then we had a shut down, I moved from one location to the other with the same company, and where I was working - the same place as her p/t job - they were only open 3 days a week, and then 4, and now back to 5. I wasn't able to get the hours I needed at the spa so I picked up hours at the hotel before transitioning entirely to the hotel. Where I'm now assistant general manager. But I do not control the hours, nor do I do the scheduling. I deal with ordering, payroll, and audit, as well as man the front desk - we're a small company so most of us work wherever we can in the business.

I mean, if she feels she's not getting enough hours, she's more than welcome to go elsewhere. I won't be offended if she feels she needs to do that. I'd hope that she wouldn't feel that it would harm our friendship. Besides, at one point I was very seriously contemplating telling her that she needs to quit the company I work for and look for something else. And if she throws a temper tantrum over being told that she can't get her way, I'll be point blank telling her that she's done. Besides, at my work the way to get anywhere is to do the work, not talk about how much training/experience/whatever you've got - you have to actively SHOW it. That's how I got to the position I'm in.

I sometimes wonder if there's something she's not telling me, that she's trying to hide something from me. If she is, I don't know why, but I do know that I'm not interested in playing that game. Especially today when she was going on about how tired she is and hasn't slept in days...yet when I was speaking to her before that she'd told me that she had a solid night's sleep the night before. I don't know what to think, but I do know that if I confront her now with how much my thoughts are all over the place there's a good chance I'll end up nuking the friendship. I'll sleep on it and see where it all ends up. Bleh.


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