So, now I'm no longer the guest services manager - I'm an assistant general manager. It was made official yesterday, especially due to the fact that there are so many things that I am involved with at work. And they don't want to lose me.
At this time, I really don't want to go anywhere else. I like working at a smaller accommodations/spa property where I can just be myself, and if something goes slightly haywire I know that the rest of the team has my back. That is not so much the case when working for a chain hotel - they have a certain structure they expect and if you go outside of that at all, instead of helping you figure out how to fit they usually show you the door. Or they bust your ass all the way back to the beginning, complete with pay cut.
More than once I have left a job due to shitty management. Even if my direct report is decent, if the people above them are complete shit I will find myself looking to leave. Sooner, rather than later. And now that I have gone the whole medical leave route I will not hesitate to do that again and look for a new job while off on that leave. Done it once before, and will do it again if I have to. But hopefully I'll be in this job for a lot more years to come.
It's hard to believe that I turn 50 this year. I know I don't look my age - I work with a lady who turns 50 the same month I do and she looks a good 10 years older than me. Such is life sometimes.
I am still slowly working on getting the apartment set up the way I want. I pulled the fabric bins from the stand in my old bedroom for my portable closet so far, and filled them up with the bedding, t-shirts, leggings, and shorts that had previously just been folded up. I've already got large fabric bins that I'm using for socks, underwear, pajamas, and the like. I think this is the most organized my clothes have ever been. I have also emptied out my old shoe rack and moved the shoes and boots into my new rack set up in my bedroom. Oh, and my coats and jackets are no longer hung outside of my apartment - many of them are hung on the back of my bedroom door, and the warmer ones are hung in one of the itty bitty closets in the apartment now.
I wish that I could take more time off of work in order to just gut my old room but that is not likely to be happening any time soon. The summer months are upon us and until we get more staff hired and trained I will need to be available to be scheduled. And it's been proven that if I take time off that there is a LOT that doesn't get done, which is down to lack of training that we have been able to do with a few of the people who help to cover the hotel desk in a pinch.
Oh well. I will just putter away at it until I get the room emptied and can finally paint. I do know that I am not going to have to do extensive wall patches this time, thank fuck.
My daughter has also decided that I can keep the grid storage set thingy because she has nowhere to put it in her current room, and she likely will not need it when she switches to a larger room in July. I guess in the past week she has learned that she really doesn't need half of the shit she's held onto for so long. I know how that feels, honestly. But I will likely use the grid racks for storage in my old bedroom simply for ease of use. I just have to figure out what size/type of bins I will be using in there. Oh, I will definitely be using bins of some sort - if I don't, the cubes will just get full of random crap...something I'm trying to move away from.
I've already got surplus garbage bags to take out - I've already spoken to the big boss about me putting a couple of bags into the work bin each week until I've got everything gone that I want to get rid of. I've been given the go-ahead, thankfully. It's just a matter of getting the stuff out of my apartment and down the street a couple of blocks without looking like a complete twit. Oh well, such is life, I suppose. I figured that I would end up with more bags anyway, despite taking a lot to the dump on the day my daughter moved out. Mind you, I also barely touched my bedroom because I was not able to deal with it without triggering my depression. I got rid of the garbage that absolutely HAD to go though, so there's kitchen floor has never been so free of clutter in years! Now to just keep at it.
I still have not written anything creative, but I'm hoping that as I clear away the physical clutter that my mental clutter will also start going away too. My fingers are certainly crossed!
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