Surprisingly quiet on the homefront...

Thankfully, M has not been messaging me as much as she used to. Perhaps she finally got it through her head that she has been pushing her luck. Or she's found new friends that are just as desperate for companionship as she is.

I know she has created her own Goth FB group, but it seems her idea for trying to grow the community is to just post song lyrics and links to YT videos. No planning of events, or anything of the sort. I suppose that's what she views as 'growing the Goth community'. I'll let her carry on however she wishes, so long as she doesn't try to take credit for anything that my group has done or will be doing in the future.

In the meantime, I've been spending more time with a different friend of mine. Including doing a photoshoot this past Tuesday that involved bathing suits, umbrellas, and a damn cold waterfall! Her and I are opposites in so many ways, but we make a damn good team. Normally getting me into a bathing suit in public is incredibly difficult, but there I was, standing on the side of a road in my bathing suit while we figured out how we wanted to pose and such. It was so much fun, and now we are planning monthly photoshoots now, complete with props...we have already started picking up props for our October shoot :)

I'm also back at work for the most part. Not quite f/t hours, but enough to get by on when added to my kid's income. It's way better than trying to make it on just one person's income - we've done this in the past, but it was not the easiest. Even when I was working p/t but for less money it was difficult. But we've been making things work for the most part, and it's been a lot better, especially now that the kid fully realizes just how much things cost.

I got what is likely my last CERB cheque today, so it is a good thing that I'm getting hours at work. Sure, apparently CERB is supposed to be transitioning to some sort of modified EI thing for those who are still not able to return to work or aren't earning a certain amount due to lack of hours, etc, but for many that simply won't be enough. I'm just glad that I managed to get most of the bills knocked down so that I'm not stuck with a huge arrears anymore and everything is current for a change. Having those funds coming in each month has honestly made a HUGE different in being able to stay on top of things. It has been so nice to have that little bit of breathing room for the past few months.

I know that for me what hasn't helped is that I have been paying approximately $450/month to a personal loan I took out through EasyFinancial almost three years ago. I have a feeling that it is almost paid out though because they keep sending me things about increasing my loan. Getting a loan increase is the last thing I want to do because I really do not want to continue paying out that amount of money each month. What I hope to do instead is to sock that money into my savings account instead and only access it if I absolutely have to. Definitely a lesson learned, but if I hadn't taken that loan I wouldn't have my upper dental plate. Such is life sometimes, right?

In the meantime, I need to get ready for work. To finally have a job I enjoy is absolutely amazing! It's not minimum wage, and I am left up to my own devices for a good portion of my shift. It allows me to use so many of the skills I've picked up over the years, which is a wonderful change. And I don't have a micro-managing boss hanging over my shoulder all the time. And I'm allowed to be as weird as I want! Again, that is such a wonderful thing. I honestly hope to stay with this particular company for as long as I can - it's been entirely too long since I felt this comfortable at a job.


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