Surprised but not really...meh

I don't know when it happened, but M has removed me from her f-list. I'm also not sure why but it may have to do with a post I'd made on my Goth group where I stated my position on essentially disrespecing graves for the sake of taking pictures and then asked the opinions of the other members. I did not give any names or say that I'd seen the pictures that M and her girlfriend took, but one of the other members (who sometimes takes things way too far, especially when she really doesn't like a particular person) made comments about seeing pictures in a different group and how the people had desecrated the graves - definitely wrong word choice and it caused a huge stink in the comment section.

Yes, the pictures were cheesy and bad, and in some of them M or her girlfriend K look like they are sitting on graves, or have props set up on top of graves. At least that is how it looks to me, and that is what I took issue with.

That being said, while it was those pictures that prompted my post it honestly could have been anybody posting pictures like that and I would have made the exact same post. Yet, because it's known that there are issues between myself and M, everybody immediately assumed that it was likely an attack directed at her. I did explain in the comments that it wouldn't have mattered who posted the pictures, and I had purposely left out names and where I'd seen the pictures as it was a general complaint, not a directed one.

What I am finding hilarious is that M fought for so long not to lose me and now she's gone and removed me herself. Honestly though it is a relief, even if I wonder how much she is bad-mouthing me behind my back. Oh well, at least I know karma will kick her in the ass for me.

I have noticed that her group seems to have attracted people who really do not fit into the Goth definition...any of the Goth definitions. I guess they feel that Goth needs to have evolved in order to fit their own personal narratives and have lost sight of what being a Goth truly is. I'd say many of them fit the emo or scene aesthetic, or just plain alternative. But not Goth. They don't even seem to respect the history of Goth - no, I'm not talking about the ancient Germanic people that were first recorded during the Late Roman Empire. I'm talking about the music and look that evolved out of the punk scene in the late 70s and early 80s...they have absolutely no clue.

I know some people have passive-aggressively tried to say that I'm a gatekeeper, but I wouldn't say that I am. Nor would most actual Goths call me that. Yes, I consider myself an Elder Goth because I was Goth back in the 80s, and even though I looked 'normal' for several years, I never lost what fundamentally made me Goth. So, Elder Goth it is. I can respect that there are newer bands that make music that fit nicely into the Goth sound, and even listen to several of them (honestly, I listen to pretty much all music anyway), and I can understand that there are several Goth sub-types, but they all fall back to the same roots. And it is those roots that entirely too many of the members of M's group have little or no concept of - they just like to dress up as Goths sometimes, but it is not who they truly are. It's a fucking costume to them, and not a way of life. Ugh.

Oh well, for somebody who freaked out over me unfriending them and then finally blocking them, it seems rather hypocritical for M to unfriend me. But such is life sometimes, right?


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