Not wanting to move and potentially screw up a good thing...
Oh yeah, before I's some other stuff going on that has nothing to do with the discussion my kid and I had...
Yesterday, I came to the conclusion that I really do not want to take a chance and move into a place with a friend of mind. It has been close to two years since we first started talking about getting a place for the three of us and our animals, but so far nothing has panned out. And after taking a look at everything, it hasn't been panning out because my friend can't seem to get her shit together.
So, unless something miraculous changes in the future, the kid and I will be staying put. While this place doesn't have a lot of storage, it is still pretty damn near perfect for our needs. The kid is able to work from home for the foreseeable future (which is good because there's a good chance the buses will be going on strike), but when they do have to go into the office, it's a quick walk to the nearest bus stop to catch a bus that gets them really close to work. And the main hotel site I work at is literally just down the street from home so I don't even have to worry about taking a bus to get to and from work, or cheating and just taking a taxi.
And as I am working on decluttering the place the storage issue will not be a huge problem. As long as I have some space in the basement for those things I simply can't find a home for in the apartment, it's all good. And honestly, a lot of the stuff in the basement we can probably get rid of anyway. Looks like I'll have a few dump runs in my future, but for now it can stay put.
I've also realized that I complain a lot about how this friend has an issue with telling the truth. I know that it likely started as a method to protect herself from her husband - lying about how much money she makes, her constant online shopping, replacing her phone whenever a new model is released even though she doesn't really need it, and so much more. But I really get the feeling that she's been lying to me about stupid things. I am one of the most understanding people out there, but when a person feels the need to lie to me about things that I wouldn't freak out over it really bothers me. And it's been an ongoing issue for two years now.
I wonder how the conversation will go when I finally tell her that use all moving in together will not be a good idea, that she really needs to get her own place for a while before she should be moving back in with anybody else. She's NEVER lived entirely on her own, and it's an experience that she sorely needs.
Such is life, I suppose. Anyhow, now it's really time to get to filling some garbage bags!
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