New tech and random rambling

I didn't do a whole lot yesterday, other than run to Walmart to buy butt wipe and a few other things we needed. I lacked the mental and physical capacity to do much more than that. The only reason I even bothered to go out at all yesterday was because I couldn't find the new pack of toilet paper I know I bought last week. Bleh.

Today I just sort of vegged before having to head to work, but I had a brand new Google Nest Mini to play with after I got off work. It was the easiest set up I've ever had with any sort of technological thing, and it's tempting me to pick up at least one more so I can put it into my bedroom.

I'm thinking that in the future new homes will come with this sort of technology built-in. We are going the way of Star Trek and we will eventually think nothing of just saying, "Computer, turn the lights on" or "Computer, play some Mozart." Or even "Computer, tea, Earl Grey, hot."

Now that I've got my new toy set up I'm feeling a bit bleh again. I do know that I have to set up an appointment with my doctor to see about changing up my anti-depressants because I don't think they are working as well as they used to. While I'm at it, I should have her take a look at a mole on my back that looks like it's changed a bit over the years. With a friend of mine dealing with a cancer diagnosis and now going through therapy the thought of getting/having cancer has been on my mind a lot, so getting the mole checked is only a good thing.

I also know from the sleep data that my smart watch collects that I have very few okay nights of sleep. Going back for several weeks now I have had nothing but bad sleep. I know I need to do another sleep test, but I hope that my doctor sends me to a different place to get the equipment - the last test I had done I told the tech before I even left the office that there was something wrong with the machine, but he basically treated me like an idiot. And, sure enough, I got a call a couple days later saying that the machine malfunctioned so the test didn't even go through, and they wanted me to reschedule a time to pick up a different machine. Of course that happened right around the time that I started working 62 hour weeks when I was in security...all because the idiot I reported to couldn't get her act together to get replacement guards pushed through the system in order to be approved by the client I was working for. Such is life sometimes.

I keeping hoping that once I get my home decluttered and decorated the way that I want that my mood will improve, but I already know that my mental state partially hinges on my brain chemistry cooperating. My fingers are crossed that something works out.


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