One of the properties I work at...

I work in the hotel industry these days, something I find I quite enjoy. I dont work for a large, nationwide chain though. The properties the owners' group has are smaller, cozier places with their own special personalities. Definitely a nice change from the first hotel I worked at - it was nice, but the rooms were very cookie-cutter and boring.

The property I was working at earlier today makes my little Goth heart so happy! It's in a heritage building that must've seemed so huge back when it was a single-family home. It even has a butler's pantry...something I've always loved in these kinds of houses.

The foyer is paneled in dark wood with a coffered ceiling and is simply gorgeous: 
(my own photo, taken from near the stairs)

If you've ever watched Downton Abbey or even Upstairs Downstairs, you can tell how the house was more or less divided back in its early days. The family would have occupied the main and second floor of the house, the floors connected by a somewhat fancy-ish staircase; and the staff would have been relegated to the kitchen (on the main floor) with their quarters in the partially underground basement, complete with a separate staircase that leads directly into the kitchen. All the better for the kitchen staff to not have to venture into the main part of the house. 

There is a formal dining room to one side of the foyer, and a ball room (we rent it out as a meeting room) on the other side of the foyer. And you can tell which rooms would have been the offices for the man and woman of the house, and a nice little parlour as well.

The rooms themselves would likely have seemed spacious back in their original usage, but adding individual bathrooms and Jacuzzi tubs have shrunken the available footage to move around in, but such is life. 

I'm looking forward to my next shift there!


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