Well, I'm not at all impressed. Maybe I'm weird but if I were working two jobs I'd take the p/t job as seriously as the f/t one. Or at least definitely not state that the p/t job isn't something that takes priority to a member of the management team, friends or not. Despite the fact that the second job very much seems to rely on them...yet she doesn't rely on it?
Despite her wanting to get more hours at the p/t job to help make up for the overspending she's done. Despite wanting more hours so she can bank more funds towards her almost two weeks off at the end of September. And her getting upset when I suggest to anyone at work that she not be called to cover shifts.
And she wonders WHY the big boss tells me I can book nights at the hotel/B&B free of charge? It has a LOT to do with the fact that I work more hours than pretty much anybody else there, between my scheduled shifts and all the extra work I do outside of those shifts. Let's see...I'm on-call five nights a week, and I routinely end up having to do shopping for the café and B&B between weekly orders. Not to mention that until very recently I also responded to a majority of the WhatsApp chat questions that come up.
Honestly, if we had even one more employee on the hotel staff that I thought would work out for the front desk she's be losing ALL her hotel shifts. I'm also looking at what can be done to fully replace her at the spa front desk. Especially after how she stated that she feels she shouldn't be expected to put in for time off requests for more than a week in advance...even though all our time off REQUESTS need to be submitted a minimum of 30 days in advance. And they are just that - REQUESTS.
When I mentioned to her about potentially booking a week of vacay off after she finally gets back after the 13th she begged me to give it another week as her sister is still in town blah blah blah. Yeah, how about fuck you, I'll book them when I feel the need to take them so I don't completely burn out or break down. If it happens to be for the day after you get back from your jaunt halfway across the island, so fucking be it. Besides, it's not like I work all night shifts - I work a good chunk of day shifts these days too. So. Fuck. You.
Yes, I'm upset. I take my job very seriously. And to be told that she doesn't take this p/t job seriously is just a slap in the face to all of us who have gone out of our way to accommodate her needs in the past. That she feels she can book off for several days a week before she wants them off, fuck anybody else, is so damn frustrating.
Yeah. Don't work with your friends. Especially if they have a f/t job and make it clear that this p/t job just isn't that big of a deal to them nor do they care about potentially fucking everybody else over. And while the spa manager may not have pushed back on having two of her front desk agents off for the same week, anywhere else she would have been told no, and if she then threatened to quit then so be it. The place would be without those two people for the same time frame anyway and we'd have gotten rid of the person who doesn't seem to think that they need to consider anybody but themselves.
Honestly, there's been more than a few times where I've had to bite my tongue before asking this person why she feels that it's appropriate for her to be so selfish. And it's not just work where she's selfish. It seems to be cropping up in all avenues of her life more and more every day. And I wonder if this is part of what is causing some of the issues in her marriage too...I feel for her partner because it can't be easy living with somebody who basically expects you to just bow down and accept whatever it is the other person wants. Her partner seems to have very little say in what goes on in their home, other than the fact that they don't eat/prepare meals together...her excuse being that they like different things while she often seems to live on fast food while her partner actually cooks for herself. And her partner seems to spend a good chunk of their time in their office at home because that is the only place that is really theirs, despite many of the items in that office being cast offs that she no longer wants or has a need for.
I just don't know anymore. I don't know if I should draw a line or what. This is probably part of why I need the time away before I blow up. If I do finally blow up it won't be pretty and I may end up with one less friend if I say exactly what I think. And, no, what is posted here is only just the surface of what I'm thinking and feeling about the person and the entire situation.
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