Vacation is booked...starting about a week after missus gets back. Yeah, don't @ me.
It boiled down to me wanting make sure we actually had somebody available to work hotel shifts that I usually work. It does mean, however, that somebody is going to have figure out how to give the cafe person their two days off that week because I won't be there to do it, and my co-assistant GM will be needed at the front desk.
Which also brings up an interesting tidbit - our boss has told him that she wants him primarily at the hotel front desk, yet she's told me that I can get him to switch up with me so I'm not working all the available cafe shifts each week. She really needs to stop telling us all different things, I swear, because she's not doing herself any favours.
I am seeing up close and personal why this particular manager person has caused such horribly high turn-over when she's in charge - she freaks out when things don't go her way, changes her mind without telling anybody and assuming that we all know that she's changed her mind, and so much more. And that's before getting into the fact that she jumps to conclusions and yells at us before getting her facts straight, and then doesn't even apologize when she discovers she's wrong. Honestly, she's exactly the wrong sort of operations manager for, well, pretty much any job out there.
I've butted heads with her a few times over how she runs things - there have been times when her decisions have made absolutely no sense, but she refused to accept that the rest of us are confused as fuck. And when we try to get clarification about what she means she gets angry at us for not automatically understanding what she meant. And that's if she's even said anything to us in first place! There's been more than once where I've gotten yelled at for not knowing about something that she's never told any of us about in the first place. Ugh.
As the busy season marches on I'm looking at what other jobs are out there that could utilize my vast range of skills. And pay me accordingly. I really don't want to remain dealing with cooking all the fucking time, and I have a strong feeling that if we don't have somebody on-boarded for the cafe come September that I'll be expected to be up there f/t...which is not going to happen if I have any say over it. Hell, I don't even want to be up there p/t. I'd rather work my hotel shifts over being in the cafe.
When I first applied to where I work now it was for a p/t cafe position, that then saw me rarely working in the cafe and had me trained for the hotel front desk. Then COVID hit. I was laid off for about four months and then called back p/t two years ago August 2. It started with me bartending for a wedding, and then slowly brought back f/t for the hotel front desk. And then I got a raise and a title - Guest Services Supervisor. Another raise and being responsible for training new guest services agents for the spa as well as the hotel. I was also the then Operations Manager's right hand - if she wasn't there, I was the next in line and did her duties when she had to be away, AND I was being trained to take over as the spa manager because the last we'd heard is that the spa manager wasn't coming back...of course that all changed at the end of last September, and nobody knew for sure what my role was other than I was part of the management team.
So, now I'm assistant general manager over pretty much everything, but primarily dealing with accommodations. The spa manager has been told that I'm technically above her as well, not that I seem to have much say over what goes in at the spa...even though the spa manager has made some decisions that run absolutely counter to how I've been told things are supposed to be going. It's a clusterfuck and I'm patiently waiting until I can jump ship and go elsewhere, and then stay at wherever else I end up until I'm ready to retire. As long as whoever hires me is not aware of my actual age I shouldn't have too many issues going elsewhere...I don't plan on retiring at 65, which is in another 15 years for me, largely because I can't afford it.
Anyhow, I've got shit to do before my writing class starts tonight. Bleh.
Edited to add: My co-worker who does the scheduling asked if missus had put in a time-off request form for next week. I had been going through the forms to weed out the ones that were now out-dated (I was killing time until I was actually done my scheduled shift today). She hadn't, so when she came in today he asked her to fill one out..."but I already wrote it on a post-it". Which she'd been told before is NOT good enough as we need an actual form. It was the same issue we'd had with her when I was up in the spa as a supervisor...she couldn't seem to understand that we need the request form filled out, especially if it for more than a day or two. Back then she was given more leeway due to her health issues, but now that it's no longer such a high concern she has been reminded more than once that she needs to follow the same rules as the rest of us. And then I mentioned to her that there was a package she recently booked where she didn't input the extras correctly and that she's been coached about this in the past..."my brain injury is making it hard to remember..." Okay, if that's the case maybe you shouldn't be working at a job that requires you to remember this stuff. Which kinda goes for her regular job too if the brain fog/injury is making it difficult to remember things or learn new things. And it's not me trying to be mean just because I'm frustrated with her attitude either - it's a genuine question about why keep trying to do a job like this when your brain is causing issues. If we hadn't caught the issue today we'd have had pissed off guests tonight and no way for her to fix it easily now that there is nowhere on the hotel level to prepare the extras - it's all done in the cafe these days, which is on the spa level and too far away from the hotel front desk to be able to keep an eye on it.
Maybe, once I've had my week off, I'll be less bitter about things. Hard to say.
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