Living space update!

I was off for nine days for a much needed vacation. No, I didn't go anywhere. I'm too broke to travel anywhere interesting. Hell, I don't think I could even afford to travel anywhere outside of the Metrobus limits. I just needed an extended break from work before I burnt out much more than I already was.

While I was off, I caught up on some much needed sleep, and made a concerted effort to go through most of the bins/boxes/bags that have been in the common area of the basement since I moved in back in July. I think my body has enjoyed the extra sleep just a little too much...I slept through all three of my alarms this morning and was late to work. Thankfully, I don't have a cash shift today so it wasn't as big of a fiasco as it could have been. Let's hope that by the time I do have a cash shift that I've gotten over sleeping through my alarms :/

In terms of going through the stuff in the basement common area, it's been going pretty good. I still have stuff to go through, but I have managed to clear out a huge amount, all things considered. My coffee and end tables were posted on FB Marketplace for free and were nabbed before the post had been up for 30 minutes by somebody trying to get things for a family member who is moving to the city with nothing. That freed up a LOT of room.

I also managed to get rid of a bunch of other things that I've been holding onto for entirely too long. A set of suitcases that I've used a total of maybe three times in the last 8 years. Cheap board canvases I bought in 2020 with the thought to paint something while everything was shut down and I couldn't work. A clock I haven't put up since I moved out of my apartment last year, and the battery had been dead in for much longer. Colouring books that I haven't touched since I bought them. A few more clothing items that I realized I wouldn't wear ever again (I've lost too much weight for them to fit properly). My Harry Potter Scentsy warmer and matching wax that I had never put out...not because I didn't want to though. It was more that I just never had the space for it. This went to my best friend who had wanted one when they were released but couldn't afford it - happy birthday to her!

I found most of my owl collection and that's all put away on the shelf that used to hold my food in my bedroom. The food is currently stored in a couple of milk crates that are neatly stacked on my mini fridge right next to the deep freeze in the common area. And just a few moments ago I won a free metal shelving rack through Temu that I had picked with the intention of using it for food storage if I was fortunate enough to win it. Woo!

The plan is to at least get everything out of the basement common area by the end of the month, and at this point I can see that being doable. I just have to post my chaise lounge on FB Marketplace and see if that can go just as quickly at my tables did. But it won't be posted for free...I'd like to get a little bit for it if I can.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue to work on clearing out stuff. Even if all I can get done is get all the stuff out of the common area by the end of the month, it's better than nothing. I can always work away at the accumulation of stuff that is cluttering up my bedroom after!

Anyhoo, time to sign off. Things to do and groceries to buy!


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