I have officially started looking for a new job.


Because I feel that the longer I stay where I'm at now the more burnt out and angry I will become.

Knowing that my boss doesn't feel the need to follow labour laws is just part of it. Knowing that I could get the same pay and hours with less responsibility elsewhere also ties into it.

I really dislike working for unethical employers, and the worst part about what is going on is that I don't think the owner actually knows what is going on. Or the illegal actions the operations manager is taking in terms of screwing us all out of overtime pay, or just our pay in general.

I sent out four applications today, each for front desk positions, at other local hotels. One I'm sure I don't have a hope in hell of getting due to having worked for their out-sourced housekeeping team and quitting without notice, but I figured that it wouldn't hurt to at least try, right? If I do manage to get at least an interview there I have no issues with telling them why I quit without notice and let them make their decision from there.

Tomorrow may see me apply at other places for front desk positions in the hopes that I can obtain something that is not too strenuous on my poor body. I know that I could never handle another physically demanding job or one where I'm on my feet all shift. One shift here or there is one thing, but not every shift.

I've come to the realization that even my co-assistant GM doesn't seem to give a shit about things. Honestly, it's been over a month since I had two days off together. He keeps scheduling himself off for the weekend every two weeks, often giving himself three days off in a row, yet I keep getting split days off and if I get one weekend shift off it's a miracle. Not to mention that we're supposed to be alternating cafe shifts, but he keeps giving them all to me. I told him when he was doing up next week's schedule that if had to give me both cafe shifts that on the next one I don't want either of them. If he tries to schedule me for them I'm going straight to our boss. It's not fair, and I don't get the time to deal with the audit paperwork I'm supposed to be doing.

As it is, he's got us both off on Monday, leaving the missus who is there for the clinic to handle hotel calls as well as clinic calls. I've worked enough Mondays covering both to know that it's fucking difficult. She isn't as fully trained on the hotel side of things so it should prove interesting. And as much as I know I'll be seen as a bitch for it, I'm not going to answer calls or chats for anything to do with the hotel on that day. Plus, we have to figure out who is going to handle the afterhours calls for that day...I sure as fuck don't want to be doing it as I know from experience that I won't get paid for more the five on-call shifts a week.

There's just so much bullshit going on with the place right now that I know I need to get the fuck out of dodge before everything explodes. And when I do leave, I know that I wouldn't want to be in my boss' shoes because it is going to explode.


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