First update of 2022. A day later than planned as I usually mark January 2nd as my new year, but with COVID things got away from me. Especially as I have spent my time since this past Friday feeling like a bag of shit.

Is it COVID? I don't know - apparently I'm not eligible for testing according to the government website. And finding rapid test kits in this province is next to impossible. Ugh.

In other news though, I finally felt up to tackling the disaster that has been building around my computer desk for months. Oh, I sat on the floor on a pillow while clearing away the accumulated garbage from my desk area. After I removed the annoying L extension that has only ever really been used as a place to lay stuff down to forget about, that is. I knew that it was largely responsible for the mess that had gotten pushed under the desk and chair as it was a pain in the ass to clean around. It was the first thing I did in getting the mess under some sort of control. There is still stuff to be done but now I can actually sit at my desk in my amazing desk chair, and do stuff.

I still haven't gotten a replacement screen for my laptop, but that's actually not a bad thing. I've got a decent gaming monitor hooked up, and as I find my Chromebook ideal for taking with me for writing purposes, I can still use my laptop for gaming. It IS a gaming laptop anyway, so there.

I managed to find things I'd thought were irretrievably lost once I started sifting through the layer of trash on my floor. I didn't find the crazy glue I'd been hoping to find, but such is life sometime. I already know that if I don't feel up to the trek to Shoppers tomorrow that my daughter will go up for me - I need it to fix my dental plate after somehow managing to crack off the front two teeth on the plate. I've looked in all the places I was sure I'd had a tube of it stowed, but there was no luck. At least with wearing a mask when I leave the house nobody will see that I'm not wearing them, but I won't always be so lucky as to wear a mask. Such is life.

I found necklaces and rings I'd known were buried under the disaster, but thought they'd be destroyed by now. One had a layer of rust in places, but the rest were good to go. I suppose tomorrow while I'm doing more updates for my computer I'll do a good coat of clear nail polish on most of the cheap jewelry so I can wear it when I go back to work. If I've got COVID who knows when that will be -_-

Oh well, time for me to crawl into bed for what remains of the night. Perhaps I'll have my Star Wars game update while I'm sleeping - I know it's got at least three content updates to do, and it can take hours upon hours to do. I'll just turn off my monitor and let the updater work in the backgroudn for now.


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