Not overly impressed at the moment but such is life sometimes.

My hot water tank isn't heating water at all, and has been like this since at least Saturday. At first I thought that maybe somebody had used up all the hot water, but even waiting an hour saw no change in the water temperature. Then I figured that maybe it was due to a breaker switch tripping, so I checked that and found that one of the switches in the panel had tripped. Flipped it back into position and waited several hours to see if that was the issue. Nope.

I checked the tank yesterday after work to find out that there is no hot water being generated at all by the tank. So I texted the landlord. He messaged me back stating that he would swing by this morning to look at it.

Cue me realizing that he would need to shut off the power to do this, meaning he would have to be in my apartment...and see the state it is currently in. I've been letting it go for a few reasons, one of which is being tired of being the only one to clean and hoping that maybe the kid would get sick of looking at the mess and maybe help. Yeah, that hasn't worked.

So I was up really early this morning to start dealing with the worst of it. Oh, it's still not done, but there is no longer as much trash on the floor as there was, and several bags of garbage have made their way to the basement to be tossed out Friday morning. It still needs more work done, but it's not as bad as it was. And that is only the kitchen!

Mind you, I really need to do dishes, but without hot water that's a little difficult. Although I will likely boil a kettle or two and dump that hot water in a wash basin so I can get the dishes back under some form of control. And then it's a matter of trying to keep up on it with a kid who hates doing them more than I do. *sigh*

No sign of the landlord yet and it's almost 3pm NST. I want a shower, but I really don't want a cold one, although that may be what has to happen tonight because I hate being sweaty and gross. It doesn't help that I've worked up a bit of a sweat just doing some cleaning! Gross. Ugh.

In the meantime, I need to buy some more blue recycling bags to deal with all the cardboard we have. I thought I still had plenty, but no luck. One good thing though is that my kitchen table is not as bad as I thought it was. Thankfully. It was just mostly a big laundry basket that was overflowing with stuff that I could just toss out.

Now to try to get some more done before I run away for a little bit. I need to get away so that I can come back at it with a fresh attitude. And some more bags to deal with the mess. Woo?


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