
This week has started out to be full of surprises and changes!

I had Sunday off and because I didn't have to go anywhere I decided to start bleaching the black out of my hair to get it ready for a wild colour change - I've got four different Aveda colours sitting on my desk at home. Charcoal, Cobalt, Iris, and Emerald. The plan was to work on lightening my hair as pale as I could get it so that the bright colours would really pop and not look muddy.

Well, two bleach jobs later my roots looked amazing, but the rest? Not so much. Black hair dye, even the professional stuff like I was using, is a bitch to get out. The length came out sort of copper/brown/yuck. But I knew if I did a third round Sunday night that I would end up with loads of breakage...more than I already had after two rounds of bleach. I toned the mess with some home-made purple conditioner, loaded it full of moroccan oil, and went to bed.

Yesterday morning I was less than impressed with how my hair looked, but I didn't have time to do much with it before heading to work. So I put my hair up in a messy bun and went to work. I figured that I would attempt another round of bleach after I got home from work. Which didn't do much to get rid of the reddish yuck I had going on. What it did do was further fry my hair. So, I slapped a conditioning protein pack on my hair, covered it with a disposable shower cap, and slept on it hoping that it wouldn't look like utter shit in the morning.

 But, before all that, while I was at work...something awesome happened! I got both a raise AND a promotion! I am now the Front Desk Manager for my hotel! Which only means good things :) I was one of the few brought back when the hotel reopened as my boss already knew how I felt about the place, that I fit in, and that I truly enjoyed my work. I also take on projects to make things flow better at the front desk because I know what I would like to come into a new work environment. Plus, I know it helped that after one week I was already comfortable enough with the booking system we were using at the time to be able to work my first front desk shift by myself. On a booking system that usually takes at least two weeks to get the hang of, and even then many people had issues with it.

This morning I was woken up by a phone call from my boss' boss to ask if I would cover the desk at one of our therapy clinics because the usual lady couldn't stay due to her son being really sick. I asked for a bit to wake up and think about it before I got back to her. While I was waking up I rinsed the stuff out of my hair and was less than impressed with the result. I went on the hunt for my hair scissors and couldn't find them anywhere, but I did find a pair of regular scissors. I pulled all my hair into a ponytail and chopped it off, ending up with a sort-of short a-line and pretty much all of the reddish mush taken off. It's definitely a change, but I think for summer it will work nicely. And tomorrow I'll be getting it neatened up by an actual stylist.

My plan is to go over my hair with bleach one more time tonight to see how much lighter I can get it, and if all goes well I will be rocking white blonde hair for a little while before I decide to put bright colours in it. Otherwise, I'll just toss charcoal on the roots, and play with the other three colours to see what I end up with! If it ends up looking like crap I can colour it black all over again and start over. Or finally use up the tube of dark brown that I bought by accident!

New hair, new colour, and new position! WOO!


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