New hair, don't care!

I have successfully bleached my hair white blonde! And trimmed it up nicely after the butchering of the ponytail Tuesday morning.

I splurged on purple shampoo and conditioner yesterday when I went shopping before work yesterday in the hopes that it would help my hair whiter. And today, after one final round of bleach, I used the new shampoo and conditioner. And it worked really well!

I still have a bit of bit of darker colour on the ends, but it's not orange anymore. And I'm considering just running a bright colour through my hair to cover the darker bits with something exciting. Besides, I have four tubes, and multiple jars of wild colours I can use!

Also, now that I have short hair again, it will be easier to stay on top of bleaching my roots once in a while. Until I get lazy and dump black back on my hair. Or go with a dark brown, which is my natural hair colour anyway :P

I've had lots of compliments about my hair too, so that's always nice! And unlike the last time I ended up with white blonde hair, I did it on purpose this time.

I already know that the upkeep it going to be a pain in the ass, but such is life. At least I can do it at home instead of having to pay a professional a lot of money to get it touched up every couple of weeks :P


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