So, I discovered that my boss' boss is the one who caused a really high turn over rate at my hotel a few years ago. And after yesterday, I can see why.
But I have to keep in mind that once I walk out of the hotel at the end of each day that I don't have to let her own so much of my time and I can leave behind her bullshit when I walk out the door.
I am to the point now where not answering calls or messages outside of work may become a thing. Other than the fact that I am the on-call person for the hotel after hours. I will have to figure out something there because I honestly do think that a regular employee shouldn't have so much responsibility put onto their shoulders. It's one thing when I'm doing it for my boss, but another thing when I'm doing for the hag who has successfully managed to piss me off to the point where I'm ready to have a go at her for her bullshit.
A large part of the issue is that my boss and her boss do not communicate. Well, not without yelling at each other and needing people to separate them. Apparently it wasn't like that until my boss had to cover for her boss while she was off on maternity. The dynamic completely changed, and the hag has made my boss' work life hell. Which is why my boss is currently off on leave. I sincerely hope that my boss is back tomorrow as it will be the two week point of her medical leave. But as somebody who has gone off on job stress-related sick leave, I have a feeling that my boss will be off for longer yet. Fucking joy.
If it does turn out that I'm chose to take over my boss' position, I'm going to be making a bunch of things clear - the major one is that we will have communication between us. The second is that we will sit down and hammer certain details out, such as rental prices for our long-term apartments, and so much more. And I will also make it clear that I refuse to work on salary, unless it's a tidy sum that I would get paid to work my ass off. I've got no issue working 40 hours a week, and if they want me to work more than that, well, they'll be paying for my time. Trust me. I refuse to work a salaried position because I know all too well how companies will abuse their salaried employees if given a change. Hell, my last management job was normally a salaried position, but I flat out refused because there was no way I was going to allow that company to screw me out of being paid for all the overtime hours they expected of me.
And I had a good convo with a friend yesterday after work. I explained that my doctor wanted to increase some of my meds - my Wellbutrin and my Gliclazide - but I had refused because I felt that I didn't need to have them increased. The Wellbutrin is one of the meds I take to handle my depression and anxiety, it complements the Effexor I take daily, and the Gliclazide helps with my blood sugars. What I didn't come clean about with my meds and not wanting to have them increased, is that I stopped taking some of them, and scaled back my dose on others because I felt like shit after taking them. What I didn't stop to consider is that me feeling like shit is likely a sign of something else going on, that I should get checked out.
I didn't explain all that to my friend, but she reminded me to stop feeling guilty about the meds or having to increase the dosages at this time. Deep down I know she's right. I've given that same advise to other people, but I've never exactly been the one to follow my own excellent advice. So my plan at this point is to get back to taking all my meds properly and on schedule, and then see how I feel when I go for my next round of blood tests. If I still feel like shit and my blood tests come back with less than desirable results I'll talk to my doctor about the next steps in managing my diabetes and other physical issues. The mental issues will likely subside once I'm not feeling stressed from work or the uncertainty caused by the pandemic.
I'm also wondering how work is going to schedule around the two days off I requested in March. If we're not up to full capacity in terms of front desk staff it is going to be tough. But considering that one test is for a scan on my abdomen and the other is for a mammogram, there is no way they can even consider denying me the necessary time off. Even though I'm not looking forward to the mammogram at all. Fucking boob squish is going to hurt like a mother fucker! But that's all a part of getting old. At least this way I'll know what's going on with my boobs, and see if I can get them surgically removed and reconstructed in a much smaller size. I'd be happy with a nice C cup...right now I'm stuffed into an H cup because the stores that sell anything larger are very much outside of my budget. Ugh.
In the meantime, I'm at work near the end of my shift so I should finish getting my shit together so I can go home. Woo?
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