Feeling a bit spoiled and cleaning updates!

Feeling a bit spoiled at the moment as I'm sitting on the bed in a room at the hotel I work at. I had a nice bath in the room's Jacuzzi tub and I'm feeling pretty relaxed at the moment as I contemplate going to sleep for the night. I work at 11am tomorrow and all I'll have to do is pull on my work clothes, pack my itty bitty duffel bag, and hit the front desk for the first shift after the Christmas shut-down.

I did get the new work computer set up - the best time to do it was over the shut-down, but I didn't stay around long enough to get everything set up over the past couple of days when I stopped in to make sure the building was okay and nothing had blown up or caught on fire. Besides, I figured it would make more sense to set up the computer tonight when I knew I was going to be spending the night.

And it worked out pretty good actually, because I managed to get all my things out of my old bedroom so that my daughter could start moving her stuff in. And by not having me around to trip over or get in the way of her moving her things, it made moving their things that much easier for her. I figure that I'll go home to get my bed set up tomorrow so I can sleep in it, and putter around a little bit before I cut up the leftover turkey for turkey sandwiches for dinner, and then really kick into gear on my two days off.

I've got new curtains to put up in my room, and I've got a mesh canopy to put up over my bed. I can't wait! And my goal is to only put things into my bedroom if that is indeed where they are supposed to go. I've got small bins that go into my living room bookshelves for craft storage and other assorted stuff, so keeping it in my room is just dumb. Oooohhhh, and I've also got a wall hanging that I haven't had a chance to put up since I got it, so that will be going up as well!

I surprised the heck out of myself today...I tossed out the collection of ty Beanie Bears I've had for over thirteen years, and also threw out the Monster High dolls I had. I realized that in all the years I've been in NL that I haven't displayed my bears, and I figured out that I would never get around to doing repaints on the Monster High dolls. Time to start being realistic, right? I did, however, keep my stuffed sheep, and my orange Fugler doll.

I'm not sure if I will be putting out my collection of Funko Pops or other figures, but I do know that my Doctor Who stuff will be put up safely. I'm hoping to find more of a particular type of shelf at one of the local Dollarama so I can use only those to display my owl collection in my room, and also some of my Gothy decor - think rats, bats, and other creepy things :)

I know that I've got a white bookcase that I will be covering in black marble contact paper to make it fit my esthetic and it will be used primarily as storage for my witchy things in my room and an altar.

For now, until I manage to get all the garbage bags out of the living room (I'm planning on renting a U-Haul truck sometime this week) I'll be keeping a portion of Kairosa's old desk (now mine - we switched as it was just easier that way and we have the same desk) in my room until I get the living room sorted out, but I will have plenty of room for now.

I'm actually excited about washing all my clothing and hanging it all up. I do have to figure out how/where to find a board big enough for a shelf in the closet, but I've got some ideas that involve tension shower rods and corrugated plastic that will suite the purpose for now. But the closet shelf really isn't that much of a priority right now, tbh. It's a bridge I'll cross when it's time.

I'm thinking too that I may have room for the portable wardrobe thing I bought a few years ago. Or I will once I get everything situated. Either that or I'll look at getting a cheap dresser, but before I worry about that, we do need a new vacuum because my current one is pretty much dead - the motor is shot from all the cat hair and rat poop over the years. Oh well, such is life.

For now though, I've starting to get tired so I'm going to crawl under the covers and try to get some much needed sleep :)


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