And so this is Christmas...
...and what have you done? Another year over and new one just begun...
It's been another quiet holiday season in my house. Which is fairly normal for us anyway, but this year I haven't even felt up to a whole lot. I'd hoped to get the turkey breast baked today but I really just wasn't up to it for some reason. I'll bake it tomorrow instead, and have all the fixings for dinner.
In the meantime, the kid and I have been making progress on cleaning our bedrooms so we can switch. I've already pulled out four bags of crap - clothes I don't wear, things I don't need, things I haven't used in over a year, and a lot of crumpled up paper. Not to mention the collection of pop cans I've somehow managed to build up. I still have at least four more bags worth of crap to pull out of that room. I already know that it may require me to rent a U-Haul pickup truck or van to get all the bags and other assorted crap out of here, especially with the city wanting to crack down on how many bags folks put out each week. I can understand why they want to do that, but it doesn't stop it from sucking any less when I'm going to have piles of bags to toss. Oh well, such is life sometimes.
At this point I'm basically working on being able to get the kid into their new room and then I'll worry about my own stuff as I am able to. Basically, I'll be putting in the items that I absolutely must have and then decide from there what else I might wish to keep in my bedroom, put elsewhere, or just simply toss out. For some reason I can see my bedroom becoming my little corner of sanity once again due to the mess and clutter that is taking over my living room yet again.
I already know that the new year will bring some more time off work, due in a large part to how quiet the hotel will be. There are three of us that have to split the front desk hours and we no longer have an overnight shift because we are so quiet.
I also know that the café area of the spa portion of the site is going to be converted into a hair salon. This makes me very glad that I chose to be trained for the front desk as well because that would have meant no job for me...just like it did for the f/t café person. I think it was going to close down anyway because it had been losing money for quite some time, and it just wasn't worth it to keep it running.
I'm glad that for now I've got the CRB payments to supplement my pay, but I don't know what is going to happen when that comes to an end. Perhaps it's a good thing that we're getting everything we need now while we actually have some money coming in because once the CRB ends if I don't pick up f/t hours again we're going to be living extremely frugally. At least now I know how to do this, unlike when we were trying to make my student loan stretch to cover just the necessities!
But what have I accomplished this year? I regained a good friend, and I've realized what is truly important in life. I've also learned to take more time for myself and to always make time for when my kid wants to talk to me, even if it's about something I have no understanding of.
In the meantime, I need to go clear off my bed and look at going to sleep for the night. Maybe. I might just clean up some more of my room instead.
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