Bleach, black clothes, and medical stuff
So, it appears to be a good thing that I have started buying myself some new clothing because apparently I keep managing to get bleach on things. And I wear primarily black, so you can imagine how that affects me and my wardrobe. I am going to see if I can manage to salvage some of the items because I doubt I can just up and replace them. That's part of the joy of buying one-off items or something in a very limited run. Go me, right?
Waiting for me to go through at home is a couple orders I made through Zulily. It's one of those online store things where they basically offer different things on a regular basis. I have been purchasing through them for quite some time now, and I've been mostly lucky when buying clothes. I think the very first thing I bought - a black and grey striped sweater was a definite miss, but such is life. I've had luck ordering my tunic tops and leggings from them, and even a couple of wool blend coats in a particular style that I absolutely adore. I just hope that all the items I bought this time are all hits!
I also took a chance and ordered myself a pair of over-the-knee imitation suede boots from Ardene's. Normally I can't wear any of their footwear that goes above the ankle because they are usually a very narrow fit. So are these boots, but apparently my calves are thin enough now that I can squeeze my legs into these boots! It may be that the days of having to look for wide-width boots are over! Mind you, I sort of realized that when I last specifically bought a couple pair of wide-width boots only to find that they were actually too wide for my calves. Such is life sometimes!
I have an official diagnosis for my knees now - early stage osteoporosis and patellar tracking disorder in both knees. Over the next few days I will be working with the physiotherapist and laser therapist that are based here in the hotel I work at to come up with a treatment plan so that we can work to avoid things getting worse and maybe even reverse some of the damage that is already there.
As for the rest of what is going on with me, well, some of the results aren't in yet. Liver function appears to be okay so far, but we're waiting on the results of the Hep-C and at least one other one that I can't recall the name of. There's a definite diagnosis of hemorrhoids, although I didn't need them to test me for that...I *know* I have them, especially after giving birth naturally to a baby that was close to ten pounds and just shy of two feet long. I'll keep treating them the way I have for over twenty-eight years - Preparation H cream for any pain or itching, and doing what I can to avoid constipation, although that isn't always easy with IBS. Bleh.
I have requests in for a colonoscopy so we can get a good look at my colon, and see exactly where the kink is. I've known for a LOT of years that I have a kink in my colon somewhere after being rushed to the hospital doubled over in pain because everything was compacted really badly - I had an x-ray or scan of some sort, and it was confirmed at that point. My kid was in first grade, so they would have been six and they are now twenty-eight, so twenty-two years of knowing about it.
I also had the request for an ultrasound updated so that it will image my stomach, intestines, and now my uterus. I've known for a lot of years that I have a fibroid at the top of my uterus but I have visions of it having grown in the years since I last had an ultrasound done. Especially because I couldn't maintain use of birth control pills to try to keep it from growing. Migraines while on the active pills were not my idea of a good time, even when on the low dose ones. Three weeks of agony and one week of a different kind of agony. Yeah, forget that shit.
Still waiting on the mammogram request to yield a letter or phone call from Eastern Health so I know when I get to experience getting my boobs squished. Perhaps I may ask about getting tested for the breast cancer gene because then I could get a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery all done on the province's dime if I have that gene. And get smaller boobs like I've been wanting for years now.
Speaking of which, ages ago when I asked my doctor about getting a breast reduction I was told that my BMI was too high and I'd be denied. It didn't matter that my large breasts are part of why my BMI is fucked up, not that BMI measurements are an accurate way to determine a person's health or body composition. I did way about thirty pounds more than I do now, so maybe, if I don't need a mastectomy, I can finally at least be referred for a reduction. But we'll wait until all the tests are run.
In the meantime, I should at least pretend that I have something to do here at work. Less than an hour left until I can head home. Woo?
Edited to add:
I got home and immediately opened up the Zulily box and I'm pleased to say that everything is the right size!
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