So, by the fall I need to have a road-worthy vehicle. Because the folks I've been getting a ride from on the days I work have decided that it's too difficult for them to keep doing it. Well, the person who actually does the driving hasn't said anything, but their partner has. Despite having only driven me once in all the time I've been living out here.

But it is time for me to get a car again. I'm finally in a position where I should be able to save up to at least get a decent down payment. With my shitty credit it's not like I can just walk into a dealership and finance a car right off the bat, especially without putting money down.

It will mean that I will be living very frugally for the next several months. My rent is $650, my share of utilities usually runs around $150, a 30 day bus pass is $78, and I can get my groceries to under a $100 a week (I'd just have to stop taking a taxi back from my shopping - I can carry them easily enough, but I'm generally kinda lazy). I can also cancel my Netflix and Disney subscriptions, and likely give up my Amazon Prime for the time being. I will keep my SWTOR subscription though so I have something to do with my's only $20/month. It also means that I will do my best to work any and all stat holidays for the extra money, and also try to get over-time wherever I can.

I figure that once I've got enough money saved that I then put that extra money each month onto an insurance payment and gas. And save up for any maintenance I might need to do over the course of owning the vehicle.

Having a vehicle will make it easier to get to and from work, go grocery shopping, and so much more. It also means that I will have somewhere to sleep should I end up homeless. What a thing to think about, right? I'm half-way considering purchasing a van for that reason. Or an SUV. Not that I really want either one due to gas consumption. But such is life sometimes.

Anyhow, off to have a nap before I figure out what to eat for supper tonight. Maybe soup?


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