I finally got to put my new gaming rig through its paces a bit tonight, despite leaving work early today due to being exhausted as fuck.
It's amazing what a brief nap can do sometimes.
I finally had the chance to play Cyberpunk 2077 on the new rig, and it is sweet. Smooth graphics, easy to navigate gameplay, and I love the storyline so far. I played a wee bit of the game on my old computer when I first bought the game over a week ago while it was on sale. It was glitchy as hell on the old rig, so I'd been waiting to try it out on my new one.
What I hadn't expected was to not have the time and/or energy to do much with my new rig. Tomorrow marks 12 days of 12 working without any days off in between like I usually get. My plan for my first day off is to sleep as much as I possibly can and only get up because my body/brain is telling me to. Let's just hope that the weather isn't horrible at that point so I can get some much needed groceries before the nasty weather hits us again.
In the meantime, it's back to bed with my ass. I have to be at work way earlier than I really want. As it is, I tried to give the shift away but there weren't any takers. I'm pretty sure two of the people just gave me bullshit excuses though. Fuck 'em. It just means that I'm less likely to do any favours for them. And considering that I'm the assistant manager AND I do the schedules, well, let's just say that scheduling might get a bit interesting. They'll still get their hours, just not the most convenient schedules and days off. It's not often I ask for one of my cash shifts to be covered, yet they expect me to be able to change the schedule around at the last minute for any of them? Yeah, no. Work what you're scheduled for or find the door.
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