My old place was posted for rent only a few hours ago. For $1200 a month, POU, and no off-street parking. Yes, work was done on the place, but not really enough to justify the $400 rent increase they are asking for. Oh, I'm sure it will get snapped up in no time due to the housing crisis in the province. But whomever ends up living there now will find that the windows aren't sealed correctly, the roof leaks, and so much more. Sure, the appliances are all new and there is laminate flooring throughout the entire place now. Oh, and the bathroom was completely remodeled. But it's still like putting lipstick on a pig. I feel for whomever moves in there - they're going to be in for a huge shock when they get their first winter heating bill. Just like I was.

In other news, I'm settling into my new living arrangements in Mount Pearl. Buses suck horribly, but I knew that before I even moved here. It was a large part of why I had kept looking primarily in St. John's, but I don't regret the move at all.

Slowly but surely I am getting things sorted out and organized. No, I haven't touched anything in the shed yet, but I'm hoping to get out there tomorrow to try to go through a few boxes and bring in all my game systems and their assorted cables and controllers. And maybe find the bin with all my good makeup in it. I'm also hoping to be able to find a way to bring my china cabinet inside at some point so I can use it for kitchen storage - my roomie has a lot of the current cupboards and pantry filled with her stuff. Hopefully I can organize that to make more room for my stuff too!

My roomie is currently out of town for a few days so I've got the apartment to myself. I already warned her that I'm going to be pulling everything out of my bedroom and organizing it better, and it's easier to do it with her not being here so I don't feel bad for taking up all the living space while I do this. She said she's fine with me doing it while she's here too because she's had to do it herself a time or two. I would still feel bad though, but such is life.

In the meantime, I do have my desktop computer all set up and the screen has been replaced on my laptop so that makes things easier. Using my Chromebook for everything was starting to get on my nerves more than a little bit. Yes, I could run music for dances off of the Chromebook but it wasn't ideal - I use Spotify as I have a paid subscription so there aren't any ads to worry about. But the app on Chromebook wouldn't let me crossfade songs or anything like that, and that's a glaring issue. However, that's not an issue on my laptop, thank fuck.

For now, I'm going to relax and play a video game or two. Don't know which one yet, but that's fine. I have a comfy roof over my head, my cat living with me, and things are going pretty good right now. We just have to see what 2024 holds in store!


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