Since my last post here things have definitely changed!

I have moved out of the apartment I'd lived in for just over 12 years. But not in with the friend and her daughter like originally intended. That fell completely through, and in the end it is probably for the best.

I am now living with a former co-worker. The same co-worker who was supposed to become my roomie last year. It's sort of strange how things sometimes work out, but there is it.

I am no longer living in St. John's, which I'm surprisingly okay with. Now, I live in Mount Pearl within easy walking distance of a bus stop. Not that Metrobus has great service to Mount Pearl, but it is better than nothing.

I am still working at the gas station job, and for those days I have to be at work for 7am a friend of mine is giving me a ride. Well, either her or her partner. There are two locations of the same gas station within walking distance of my new place, so I will keep my eyes peeled on the internal job posting site - if a position opens up for assistant manager I will be applying. As it stands right now, I can't really afford to go back to regular CSR at minimum wage. I mean, I probably could, but that role is not guaranteed f/t hours, and it's not a risk I want to take right now.

I officially moved out of my old place as of November 30th, but didn't have a chance to get the power turned off until yesterday due to not having internet at home for most of November. And I'm glad I kept it on because that way my former landlord wouldn't have any reason to reach out to me earlier to find out if I was gone yet or not. He would have gotten an email shortly after I requested the service disconnect because he would have to put the power into his name again.

Slowly, but surely, I am getting my address updated everywhere necessary. I have to wait until my next bank statement is ready to be printed before I can change the address on my driver's license, but such is life.

I have to remember to transfer my prescriptions to the Lawton's near my new place. I really don't want to have to deal with going to Shoppers near my old place if I have no other reason to go there. And I'd thought about transferring my prescriptions over to the Sobey's by my doctor's office, but that just means I'd have to be out longer further away from home than I really want to be.

I have to figure out the new bus schedule too so I can figure out how I'm getting to and from the Hub on those nights I have to be there. Some of them I can just head directly there after work and hang out while I'm writing. But it's the getting home part that has me worried...especially after dances. The latest the bus runs to Mount Pearl are 10:30pm M-Sat and 5:20pm Sun. I provide music for dances at the Hub these days, and the dances run until 12:30. Even the bus that gets me the closest to home stops running an hour before the dances are over. I'm going to speak to a friend of mine about getting rides home after dances and go from there. Otherwise, I'll have to give up doing the music until I get a vehicle :/

In other news, I'm getting fitted for my first pair of contacts this coming Tuesday. They finally make them for folks like me who need progressive lenses...and the fitting and first couple of sets are free! I already know that I have to work up to being able to wear them all day, but it is going to be odd to not wear glasses all the time. And it will mean that I'll know what size lens I'll need for any fantasy lenses I might want to try at some point. Woo!

Anyhow, I've got some paperwork to finish before I forget. Especially as I'm out of here earlier today. But I also started at 7:30am instead of after 9am. It means I'll get to see daylight after work for a change!


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