Work has allowed me to borrow one of the trucks our maintenance team uses so I can work on clearing out the crap from my apartment.
I cleared out the accumulated bags out of my kitchen yesterday. Tonight I'm working on finally bagging the garbage that has spent too much time in my old bedroom, and once it cools down some more I will be loading into the back of the truck so that in the morning I can head to the dump and toss it all.
I also took a spin up to visit my daughter yesterday to drop some of her food items she'd left here, stuff that I can't eat or just don't like. It was nice to see her again after a few weeks. And then today she messaged me to let me know that her (human) pet's computer chair had busted bad enough that it couldn't be I grabbed the truck earlier than planned today and ran her old chair to her.
Now I'm working on clearing out my old bedroom now that my apartment has cooled off a bit more so I won't die from it being too hot. As I fill each bag I'm putting it on my landing and the eventual plan is to take the bags down the two flights of stairs and out to the truck. I'm just hoping that I don't end up with a parking ticket by leaving the truck outside my place overnight.
I've also requested to have the truck on Saturday so I can drop my two old TVs at the dump in the morning, and also pick the kid up so we can go for a sushi lunch. It will be the first weekend I've had off since the weekend my daughter moved out. I may be asking to have access to the truck every weekend I get off...putting gas into the truck is a LOT cheaper than paying for a taxi to visit my kiddo. $50 round trip for a taxi, but $10 in gas for the truck? Yeah, it's just a matter of requesting that the truck be left available for me. Plus, I've been after them leaving the truck for me anyways to make it easier for those times I need to run to any of work's properties when I'm on call at night. The most I'd have to do is get dressed so I can walk down to the hotel to pick up the truck. At least until I can get my hands on a visitor's parking pass so I can keep it parked on my street on those days/nights that I have possession of it.
I find that as I've been driving a bit more that I'm FINALLY learning the city better. For most of my life here I've relied on Metrobus to get me around, and rides from friends. But as a passenger I find that routes to go places don't stick with me. Now I've figured out several way to get to where my daughter is living, up in the vicinity of the Marine Institute where the bus service is utter shit unless she were to walk for 15-20 minutes to catch a bus across the street from MI in the first place. Ugh.
Anyhow, I'd best get back on the go with getting my stuff bagged up. Once it's all done my plan is to load the truck before coming back inside for the night and having a shower. Then it's up in the morning no later than 7:30am to get my ass off to the dump. Then I'll drop the truck off at the hotel, walk back to bed, and nap for a couple hours before getting up with plenty of time before my shift tomorrow afternoon! If the truck is still at the hotel when I'm off work, there's a very good chance that I'll take it home tomorrow night again before driving it back on Friday morning, potentially taking it when I leave Friday evening :) One of the guys who usually has one of the trucks is off for the next couple of weeks, which is part of the reason I have such easy access to the truck right now. I'll take it, and hope that I get everything done that I need to before he's able to return to work! Or at least a majority of it.
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