I know that it appears I never get any views, but that's fine by me. I don't blog for any sort of recognition. That's really not my style.

I blog because it means I won't blow up at somebody, and if I rant on FB I know people run to whoever I may be ranting about and gossip about it. And I'm done with that. Unless, of course, I WANT them to gossip about it.

Today I posted about how I'm tired of being a doormat and included a couple of very pointed examples concerning some people I know and have given more than once chance to. Yeah, I'm done with them. I can see why one of my friends usually only gives people one chance before writing them off. It's a lot less drama.

Basically, I've come to the realization that a set of friends only bothers with me when they want something from me. Such as being a reference for a financial reason, or to borrow money from, and more. The money thing stopped ages ago because I came to the realization that I would never see it again. One group of friends ended up owing me a nice chunk of change that I eventually just wrote off because I knew I'd never see a dime of it.

I have decided that the next time I get contacted by a company asking me for a reference for people I haven't had any real communication in ages that I will not shine sunshine up their ass anymore. Instead I'll be honest and just tell the caller that as I haven't had any communication for a long time that I am not comfortable providing a reference. Besides, just because I gave permission once it does not imply that this consent is always in place. Consent is important for all things, not just sexual relationships.

For now I'm just going to go back to lusting over the unattainable Lee Pace...I have no idea what started this particular obsession, but there it is. And it's not really lusting, if I'm completely honest. He seems like he'd be a very friendly guy who could carry on an intelligent conversation and not get pissed off if I have no clue what he's talking about. Besides, he and his boyfriend are so utterly cute together <3

Maybe I'm just lonely as fuck.



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