
I seem to have developed an addiction to buying journals. I rarely really use them because I'm worried about screwing up and tearing out multiple pages, as evidenced any time I do use one. I end up not happy with my writing or printing, or how the pen is working on the paper, or any number of dumb things.


I think I have found the type of journal that I will actually use! It's called a traveler's journal and it is basically a cover that holds at least three replaceable notebooks. You can change out these individual notebooks as needed - you filled one up and need to take it out, or you need your journal to fill a particular purpose for a while.

I've got three of the damn things. Two take A5 size notebooks, and the other I haven't quite figured out the paper size yet but it is narrower than my other two. I've already bought replacement journals for the A5 size journals, and once I figure out the size of my narrower one I will order refills for that one as well.

Today at work I was perusing Etsy for journal stickers and other journal related things, and I discovered something called dashboards for traveler's journals. I saw all sorts of pretty ones, but none that struck my fancy enough to order one. Instead, I grabbed a manila folder from the office and cut it down to make my own dashboard, utilizing most of the folder to even make a total of four interior pockets in it! Once I got home I selected a role of washi tape and stuck the entire thing together and inserted it around the first notebook in the journal...and I love it! I may have to make two more two go around the other two notebooks. Or, well, maybe eight more - 2 more for the journal I already made a dashboard for, and then 3 for each of the remaining two journals.

Way back in the late 80s I used to keep a diary in a regular bound journal, but stopped after my last one got stolen off of my coffee table when I lived in my parents' basement apartment. It turns out that my brother stole it and then gave it to my mother...and all hell broke loose. After that experience, I stopped, and didn't even keep an e-journal for the longest time for fear of my mother finding it. All they were was a place for me to get my feelings out so that I wouldn't bottle them up and finally explode. But of course my mother took offence to what I wrote and called me all sorts of nasty names. Well, fuck her anyways, right? I may end up using my other bound journals for the same sort of thing.

Eventually I'm going to start using the refillable ring-bound journals, but I want to create my own covers, dividers, and other inserts. I've got a notebook from Happy Planner that I like the idea of, and I was given a planner by them as well, but I've always had issues with pre-made planners for some reason. Yes, I've tried making my own bujo but that failed miserably - tearing out pages from bound books like usual, and even tried a full-size binder to no avail. But the convenience of a binder stuck with me...get the right size of binder (smaller so it will fit into my purse) and a hole-punch that lines up with the binder rings, and I'd be set. At least that is my thought. And I love the idea of the Happy Planner journals and planners, even though a pack of rings is a bit pricey and the cost of the hole punch for them is kinda nuts. Oh well, I'll figure out something! But my traveler's journals will always be my go-to for my writing projects as they are great for writing notes, scenes, and entire chapters in, and as I have three of these journals I'll always be covered :)


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