So, apparently somebody didnt like being called out...

Back in November of last year the needy, melodramatic one tried to pretend that she had amnesia...and I called her out on it after her roomie at the time confirmed it was fake.

Well, apparently that was enough for this person to just up and move out. It would seem that she didn't like being called out for her bullshit, and maybe she felt betrayed that her roomie would have confirmed that she was lying to get sympathy. Especially to me.

I dont know whether to find it funny or pathetic, honestly. Considering that this missus only announced a couple of days ago that she got her own apartment. I doubt many people even knew she'd already left her roomie situation. Other than her little band of minions who seem to hang on her every word.

Even more amusing is the fact that she made an alternate account as a means to spy on me. Not that people who aren't on my a-list on FB can see anything other than public posts, and there aren't many of those. She unblocked me once on her regular account to spy,  but there's nothing to see. At least my alternate account doesn't use a version of my name, unlike hers. Oh well, such is life sometimes!


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