Random Musings
Two weeks in my new room and I'm very happy with the change! There is still some more stuff to do, but I'm mostly finished for the time being. Besides, I have to wait for an order or two to arrive before I can do too much more anyway.
In other news, as the hotel slows down for now I will be getting more days off back to back. Which means that now that I have basically finished my bedroom that it will be time to move onto the rest of the house. Now that I am not moving my desk into the living room the plan is to get a couple more book cases so I can display some of my collections, such as my various owls mugs and other owl décor. It will also mean more space for my books and my growing comic collection! Now I just have to get my shit together and get the living room mostly done.
I bought a new vacuum about a week ago or so...and it is still sitting in its box. I'm worried about disturbing the guy living below me and making too much noise while the kid is working from home. It's a nice one, and I just hope that it doesn't die the same way the last one did. Mind you, I don't have the same mess to clean up - no shavings, food, or poop being shoved out of cages by pet rats on a daily basis. No pet rats at the moment, but I do hope to get some more once the entire place is cleaned up once and for all.
Today I was asked about a person I used to be friends with - the person asking wanted to know what had happened for me to turn against that person. It was out of the blue, but it was somebody who has been on my FB friend's list for ages. I simply explained that it was because of the fact that she made excuses for her stalking of the lead singer of a band we all are fans of and I couldn't be a part of that. I did not want to be associated with that behaviour. Oh, when I told people I was moving here there were some fans who assumed that I was moving here to stalk the band myself, despite the fact that I made it clear that I was going to university here and then we'd see from there. I already knew I wasn't going to leave the province because I finally felt a sense of belonging here the second I set foot on the tarmac at the airport. Whatever, people will gossip and make up shit regardless of what the truth is.
It is hard to believe that this year will mark 14 years since the kid and I moved here. Next year we can officially say that the kid has lived here half of their life. I'm pretty happy that we made the decision to move here all that time ago, even if I'm no longer speaking to the 'friends' I had in the province when I first moved here. People change and drift apart. Or at least I did. I don't know about the others and I don't really think I care anymore.
Over the past couple of years I have done a lot of work on myself and who I am as a person. Getting my mental and physical health under control will always be a work in progress, but right now my mental health isn't in the shitter. My physical health is another thing entirely, but my doctor and I working towards finding out what is going on my body to rule out everything before there is a definitive diagnosis of fibromyalgia. We were sure in the past, but as I've been feeling physically worse - despite me taking my meds like I'm supposed - we just want to get a definite answer. Whatever we find out, I will still do my best to live my life to the fullest. But I also will not feel bad when I simply can't do anything due to pain or brain fog, or simple not having any energy left.
Part of me is still wanting to get into the local acting scene, and I even have a good idea about where to start. It's just a matter of getting all my ducks in a row so that I will have the energy left to pursue this.
And I am still writing. I always have something on the go, and I've been encouraged to look at getting published. I have encouraged a friend of mine to write and she has a writing deal! Considering she had been told by teachers over the years that she had no business writing a book, she's come a long way and I am so proud of her! Now she's kicking me in the ass to get myself published, and not via self-publishing either. I'll just have to get something put together that I feel comfortable having somebody else critique.
Speaking of writing, I used to write a lot of fan-fic, sometimes solo and sometimes as a group effort, but that is no longer where my interests are. Oh, I will still sometimes write a short fluff piece, largely because it helps me work through writer's block on my larger original projects. And I think the world is ready again for my brand of fantasy stories. Like so many things, readers' tastes seem to be cyclical and with so many of my favourite authors passing away or no longer writing those types of stories due to backlash they've received, perhaps I can be a part of the reintroduction of fantasy. Or even some random AU stories that make use of all the historical research I've done over the years both for school and just plain interest.
For now though, it is time for me sign off and look at going to bed. But first I need to remove the foot treatment masks off of my feet. I can't wait to see how much dead skin will peel off over the next week!
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