One week until Halloween
...and I'm working at the hotel that night. But if it isn't super busy I may get to leave a bit early.
I usually try to book the evening off, but right now I need all the hours I can get. And I will still have time to do my usual Samhain stuff after work anyway.
Not to long ago M asked if we could hang out when I get off work that night, and I was very non-committal because I really did not want to give her the idea that I was at all comfortable with being around her much. And honestly, I didn't want to be around somebody who is a complete fraud anyway.
But now that is not even a concern - M fucked up a few days ago by telling me that I admitted defeat by accepting the fact that I am bi-polar and take meds to keep it under control instead of just allowing my mental illnesses to control my life. Yeah. That was the absolute final straw for me. Just because she wants to justify her own behaviour by blaming her mental illnesses, she feels that she has somehow won? Fuck that noise in the ear with a chainsaw.
I put her on blast on my FB as a result of that, and I know damn well that she has somebody spying on my FB to see what I post. The only response I got from her after I flamed her was '...' And nothing since. I made it quite clear before I put my rant up that she completely fucked up this time and there would be no turning back, that I was completely fucking done this time, no more chances.
Y'see, for somebody who claims to be working on getting better, M has done nothing of the sort. If anything, she has surrounded herself by people who stroke her ego and basically egg her on in her absolutely ridiculous thoughts and ideas. And she's not the first person in my life who is like this, and I know she will not be the last - idiots like this exist everywhere, sadly. M has actually gotten way worse in her delusions and bullshit. And if she thinks it's cool or badass to have shoved a fucking shepherd hook earring through her lip as a piercing, she's got another thing coming. It's utterly ridiculous looking, and she will like end up with a horrible infection with her lip looking like it's going to rot off. Just gross.
So, this means I will have the quiet Samhain I prefer. But I do need to figure out a costume for work anyway. I do have access to a bunch of costumes that I was given last year, but I really am not a fan of any of them. I may use my Snape professor robe along with a bunch of my gothy stuff and my witch hat to put together a costume though. We'll see how I feel on that particular day :P
In the meantime, I'm going to relax for a bit and see if I can actually get a decent sleep tonight!
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