It's my birthday...and, jeez, do I ever feel old!

It's my 48th birthday, and it's been a nice, quiet day. I spent a good chunk of it with a very good friend who paid for dinner and drove me around to a few places while we mostly hung out, talking about anything and everything. She knows that I don't like having a huge fuss made about my birthday, although I am hoping to do a big celebration for my 50th...or as big of a celebration as a person who doesn't like a lot of people can muster!

It's also day two taking my new meds and I'm glad that I didn't have to walk to far or work...I'm having a hard time focusing and my head feels fuzzy. It's pretty normal for me when I start on new meds. Thankfully I can touch type really well, so I don't have to worry about staring at my laptop's keyboard while trying to make my eyes focus.

I have a really early shift on Wednesday so I'm hoping that I will be feeling better by then because it would suck to have to call out due to the med change. At least I don't feel as bad as I did the one time a different doctor put me on a med that saw me completely zoning out, including when I was at work...which is NOT good. And when I told that doctor what the new med was doing, the idiot INCREASED my dose! Yeah, I quit taking that med (mirtazapine) and also quit going to that doctor, thankfully finding another one that was just opening a new practice and accepting patients. After I got more comfortable with the new doctor and knew that my depression was taking a toll on me I ended up back on was one I started taking when I was still in university, and it worked well. Until I decided that I was all better and didn't need to take any more meds. Yeah, that was stupid as fuck, I know.

Anyway, trying to focus on the computer screen is giving me a headache so I'm going to close my eyes and listen to some music for a bit. 


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