Woo money! And bills paid off in full for a change...say what?

Finally received some money through the virus funding thingy, and promptly paid my internet bill in full and made a payment on my electrical. I'm very glad that I don't have to deal with a separate heating bill...sometimes having electrical heat isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I've got it set up so that my government payments go directly to my refillable credit card, and from there I can transfer money to my bank account. I did exactly this for a couple of reasons, one of which is to cover any payments I've got set to come out of my bank account and another reason is so that I could make the payment on my electric bill because for whatever reason they won't permit payments made from refillable credit cards. Oh well, such is life.

I'm trying hard not to let the remaining funds on my card burn a hole in my pocket. I'm not sure when the next payment will hit my account, and I know I don't want to blow through it all in the event that something major comes up. It's just so hard to refrain from some serious retail therapy right now...*sigh* Perhaps some minor retail therapy won't be a bad idea...there are so many things I've put off because I have needed to hold onto the bit of money I had left over from my final paycheque.

Cleaning and organizing has tapered off over the past couple of days. I just don't have the energy to do much right now. I'm maintaining what I have already cleaned though, so there's that. I also started going through my pile of laundry and gotten that started early this afternoon. I have a lot more laundry to go through but I'm not in a huge rush at this point, which I think is understandable under the circumstances.

I did manage to get out to shop yesterday and hopefully have enough food to tide us over for another week. I managed to get to the stores I needed to before lineups started happening, thankfully. I have little to no patience for lines right now, although I would have endured it regardless and bit my tongue when people started bitching about how shitty everything is. Yes, I get it, things really ARE shitty for a lot of people right now, myself included, but to have to hear it everywhere just isn't helping the situation at all.

The last I heard from work is that we *may* open for June 1 as we actually do have some reservations still booked for June. That can change, of course, so I'm just going to make sure that I've got a couple outfits for work set aside for the eventuality that I get called back sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I'm mostly going to stay put for as long as I can and be grateful that my kid is still able to work from home.

For now I'm going to dive into one of my many video games or do some online window shopping...I could use a new computer...


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