Gym stuff and goals

For the past couple of weeks I've only been going to the gym twice a week. Between fighting flu and cold symptoms and the aftereffects of what I can only assume was a spider bite I just have not been up to going to the gym three times a week. However, I have started adding exercises I can do at home with minimal equipment - thank you, for all the handy workout and stretching diagrams!

There are a couple of challenges on the page that I plan on starting as of tomorrow - I just have to print them out. The Squat Challenge where I build up to 100 squats by Day 30, and the Five Minute Plank Challenge where I build up towards being able to hold an elbow plank for five minutes by Day 30. Oh, and I may also throw in the Touch Your Toes Challenge in because I wouldn't mind being able to touch my toes again for the first time in entirely too many years.

I'm going to print out some other stretching and warm up routines and tuck them into a notebook to take with me to the gym. I already have a small notebook that I use to track my reps and weights for each machine I use, so it wouldn't be too difficult for me to switch to a larger notebook so I can paste in those routine worksheets.

I am definitely seeing an improvement overall. My endurance has definitely improved as has my flexibility and general strength. Even my moods have started changing - when I do have a depressive episode it does not last as long. Perhaps it's the rush of endorphins from a good workout? Whatever it is, I'll take it!

My goal still is to do the Tely 10 in 2020, even if I just do it as a fast walk. It is still an accomplishment!


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