Some updates

So, I still haven't received a written eviction notice from my landlord. But that doesn't mean that I don't intend to be out by the end of November. It does, however, mean that I likely won't be doing him the courtesy of giving him an actual notice when I move out. My tentative plan at this point is to move out first and then give him notice just prior to changing my phone number and blocking him from emailing me. Does this mean I likely won't get my security deposit back? Yeah, probably, but I have a feeling he'd be trying to withhold it anyway. Just my gut speaking.

Also, as an older woman I have to get mammograms done once in a while. And I got the results in the mail of my last one. The results were normal, thankfully, but I do have high breast density. What this means is that approximately 75%, give or take on either side, is glandular tissue. I could probably have predicted that based on the fact that as I lose weight my band size goes down and my cup size goes up. Which is why I was after a breast reduction for so long.

Speaking of that. I've been slowly losing weight in an attempt to get down to the weight I was told I need to be before the plastic surgeon would consider doing the reduction surgery. Only approximately 20 more pounds to go, which for a post-menopausal woman is no small feat. And by taking the weight off slowly it should hopefully stay off. At least that is what I'm hoping.

I know that my weight loss isn't just from doing more exercise or eating properly. There's a certain amount of not being able to eat tied into that, and my body reacting to the stress I've been under. At least I'm making a point to eat though, even though I really don't want to most of the time. I figure even if all I manage is some toast with peanut butter scraped on it that it's something.

I've got the next five days off before I go back to work, and I'm looking forward to the time away from the job. I know that a good portion of my days will be spent lazing around, but I'm hoping to get some more packing done. And maybe some more purging of crap that I simply don't need. I suppose we'll see what the next several days brings.

In the meantime, I'm going to lay down for a bit and clear my mind of all the work crap. I might even nap. Who knows?

Oh, but I do know that tonight and tomorrow that I've got a writing assignment to get done and submitted...maybe while I'm laying down I'll figure out what I want to tackle. Woo.


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