It's going to be getting a bit interesting at the store over the next little while...for a bunch of reasons.
We have two new staff hired on, and the verdict is currently out on how well they are going to do. Especially when they both claimed to have open availability during their interviews, only for it to come out that they really don't have that availability at all. Both want to work overnights, but we've got our f/t overnight person and we'd rather not go switching him around all over the place if we don't have to. Besides, the reason we ask for availability is to try to fit folks into shifts that work the best for both us and them. And seniority is a thing with us in terms of who gets the overnights - newbies don't get whatever shifts they demand.
Both of them were told to wear plain black shirts/t-shirts for their shifts and to not wear sweat pants. Neither of them appeared to have listened - we managed to scare up uniform shirts for both of them, thankfully. And they were both late this morning without informing us. I actually had to call one of them to find out if he was coming or not.
The one who had all their online learning completed was put on the register today...under my user code. It wasn't ideal because we are not supposed to share our codes - I will be changing mine tomorrow, most likely. He was short by almost $30 and I think it was because he's pretty damn clueless when it comes to handling money. I handled a few transactions and both times I saw that the drawer was too full of cash. Two $200+ deposits later... I get that he's brand new but I'm pretty much convinced that he's going to routinely have issues balancing his register. I'm trying to be understanding because I know what I was like with my first few cashiering jobs - shy, not very assertive, and just not the person I am today.
The other one had to be told several times what to do during the same task. Our large cooler is finally working, so we had to move our milk back into its designated shelves. So, I tried to take the other newbie under my wing to get him going on that. Yeah, he'd do a crate at a time and then come looking for me while I was trying to get other stock moved around. After the forth time of this I think he finally clued into what I was telling him. No, it wasn't perfect, but at least the milk got put away more or less correctly.
And on the topic of milk...yesterday morning our milk supplier was in before I started and apparently he was told by the CSA that we'd deal with getting the milk moved during yesterday's shift. Guess what information I wasn't given? And I was lead to believe that the milk guy would be doing that today for us. Yeah, I'm not impressed, and the milk guy was not happy that I'd been given the wrong information.
That CSA? Will wants to train him to do my old role. I've been telling Will that the person needs to do a lot more than just clean the back room to be considered, and needs to listen to both of us when we tell him to do something specific. Oh, and how about complete at least half of his shift's tasks. Does he clean the bathroom? Nope, and he doesn't even bother with filling out the bathroom check sheets...even if I make a point of getting them started for him when I'm doing a management shift. Forget getting him to mop the floor because that doesn't get done either, regardless of who tells him to do it. And garbages only get done when it's flat out pointed out to him that they are overflowing and need to be changed...I hate dealing with the garbage myself, but it's part of the CSA job. Oh, and he needs to stop fucking cherry-picking what he wants to stock or do each shift - the task list is there for a reason ffs.
Will knows that I'm getting pretty pissed off with R for not doing what is expected out of every CSA we have. It would be different if he was brand new, but he's been there for over a year now. And the shift task sheets are very basic and straightforward with tasks that don't need to be explained more than once. Yet it seems like only myself and one other person make a point of at least attempting to get those tasks complete. I don't even give a shit if the guy likes me or not, but now that I'm one of his bosses he needs to damn well listen to me when I tell him to do something, or at least tell me why he wasn't able to complete the task. And he needs to learn to follow through when he says something, such as the whole milk issue that came up between yesterday and today - he didn't even TELL me that he told the milk guy that WE would take care of getting the milk set back up. Like, holy shit, dude, if you're going to talk like that, at least follow through or tell, I don't know, management what you randomly decided! We'd either tell you to get on with fulfilling that verbal promise or advise you not to do something like that again without consulting a member of management - meaning Will or me. Which is something I pointed out to Will has to stop if R seriously wants to learn how to do my former role - not once have I said I'd do something and not follow through without a valid reason or explained to somebody else how to do with the expectation that they'd complete whatever it is. and I fucking communicate with all the staff - text, notes, work chat, face to face, whatever it takes to get that communication across.
A fine example of what doesn't get done:
- the bathroom was a state all weekend, and nobody bothered to clean it. One of the CSAs filled out a check-list sheet for the bathroom but didn't actually clean it. And I wasn't going to do it just to prove a point.
- the floor looked like it hadn't been mopped since I did it on Wednesday. And it probably wasn't until A did it this morning and went over it twice because it was THAT bad.
- cleaning the front doors and cooler doors only seems to get done when I or A do them during our shifts. They were a mess of fingerprints this morning and it was pretty obvious that they hadn't been done since I did them on Friday. If it weren't for the fact that this is a regular occurrence I wouldn't give a shit, largely because I knew we'd be in and out of the cooler for the next couple of days trying to get everything set back up and organized. But this happens all the damn time!
- instead of taking initiative to get things stocked most of the CSAs seem to wait until either Will or myself loses our shit and point blank tell them to stock the coolers, candy, pop, etc. Even though this task is directly on the daily shift task sheet, and is broken down by cooler and section of the store. For example, when I left last night I'd left instructions for the CSA on duty to clean and stock the coffee station...guess what I did first thing this morning? It was actually emptier than it was when I left at 5pm last night. Colour me less than impressed.
- count cigs and lotto and then provide us with a list of what needs to be restocked - these items are kept in a room you can only access through the office, and only me and Will have keys to get into the office. And there is nothing more frustrating than coming into work in the morning to discover that you have almost no cigarettes stocked where you can access them without office keys. Or even if you do have office keys and having to somehow get enough cigarettes brought down to get through the first hour or so of your day when it's extremely busy due to people going to work...and it's worse if you don't have keys and have to wait until the manager comes in. We've actually lost regular customers over this because they got sick of their brand/size/kind never being available due entirely to somebody not bothering to ensure the drawers are fully stocked. And R never does up a cig or lotto list regardless of how many times I've told him it needs to be done and pointed out on the task sheet that it's the first fucking thing that needs to be done for any and all morning shifts.
I look at it this way: if you want to be considered responsible enough to do office shifts and take on those tasks, you MUST be responsible enough to do the daily CSA tasks. These aren't requests - they're requirements, and if you can't complete the major ones then how the hell can you think you should be somehow promoted?
Anyhow, tomorrow will be a better day. Even if the snow decides to make getting to and/or from work difficult.
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