I've officially been working with my current company for over three months - the probation period is over! And my application is officially in for the senior sales associate position at my store, but that's really just a mere formality at this point, even with my shitty credit history. Besides, I've been doing the actual job for a month now due to the missus formerly in the role up and fucking off without being honest about leaving the province entirely.

The territory manager was in today to do some spot checks to ensure that the store is in decent shape, especially with the end of the holiday season and a few logistics issues with the current period's marketing material not arriving until yesterday as I was leaving work for the day. Not to mention that our large cooler is finally getting fixed after a month of it being completely broken. And he had a sit down with my boss to see how things are going.

One of the topics was about me moving up into my new role and asking why it hadn't been done yet as there was no need to wait until my probation period was up. The territory manager gave my boss a bit of shit for waiting, but I could understand why my boss waited. After the shit Kelsey had put him through it only made sense. Besides, when I started there I honestly wanted no part of a management role, so the hesitation on my boss' part made perfect sense to me. But I proved that I wanted my new role and that I was fully capable of it, especially after maybe a week of training on just the daily paperwork and then my boss walking me through how to do the higher management stuff while he was helping at a different store that had lost its manager. And I filled in for him for two shifts last week while he was out sick with a nasty bug directly after Christmas. That I have no issues jumping in to manage things in his absence and have been doing it since Kelsey left speaks volumes. And, honestly, with the right management team above me it has made all the difference for me. Which is why I actually WANT the position. Besides, I've always been a person who jumps in to make sure things run as well as possible, pointing out issues and coming up with ways to make things better. And I manage to work well under pressure and stress while on the job and make it clear that I have self-care methods set up to help deal with whatever pressure and stress I may find myself under at work.

And my boss has admitted that if something were to happen to him that would make him incapable of working for any amount of time that he is confident in my ability to run the store in his absence. That he had hoped for the same with Kelsey but had that whole situation blow up in his face, which is why he was hesitant to put his trust into somebody else in that role.

My boss is the acting manager right now with his official role on paper being assistant store manager. My role on paper will be the senior sales associate but I will be acting as the assistant store manager. Why? Because the 'official' store manager has been on medical leave for a little over two years now and until she is formally separated from the company her role can't be terminated until a whole bunch of hoops have been jumped through. Such is life sometimes, and it seems like it is only a matter of time before that final hoop is dealt with.

With the new role also comes health benefits - hello, dental and vision coverage again! I'm contemplating talking my kid into helping me pay for some dental appointments and a new set of dentures, with me setting up a firm repayment plan with her (I can set up recurring payments to go directly out of my bank account and into hers). And I may talk my dentist into just straight up removing all my upper teeth and making me a full plate - full plates are generally cheaper than partials and are easier to fix. But let's not count my chickens before they hatch!


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