Waiting sucks donkey balls -_-

Still waiting on my damn mattress to show up. I did give in and order the metal bed frame I wanted though, and that is currently sitting in it's box in my kitchen. The bed sheets I ordered are on their way, and I know where those are, as opposed to my mattress.

My bedroom is still a disaster. I haven't touched it since the end of May because I just feel so defeated right now. I was all excited about getting my new bed, and then there was no movement on the delivery for over a week. I knew that if I saw that everything was at least in the city that I'd go on a cleaning spree and get my room completely tip top. But yeah.

In other news, I'm still in the process of adding Goth touches to my place! A friend of mine owns and operates a Goth accessory online store, and I've made a couple of purchases from it, and she has sent me extra goodies with each order! She's so damn sweet :) And I haven't told her yet, but once I get the pattern for a crocheted lace parasol that I'm making her one as a gift <3 She sent me a screen-cap of one with a wink, but I had already seen it and started my hunt for the pattern just to make it for her!

This particular friend of mine was the first one to encourage me to reclaim my Goth side. She has watched as I've grown a lot more confident in myself in the past four years, and is so proud of me for rediscovering myself. And I appreciate her so much because I probably would still be lost. And this is part of why I support her business! And that of any of her friends, if I can afford to. We Goths need to stick together <3

I'm hoping that later tonight, once it cools down a bit more, to be able to get into my bedroom with a couple of garbage bags so I can toss out more stuff. I've already cleared out two bags of stuff, and washed a huge pile of clothing. I have to go through all of the clothing though and get rid of a lot of it because I don't wear it all anymore. Plus, I don't have to keep grubby clothes around anymore because I don't work stocking shelves now. And I can indulge myself in my black, Gothy stuff more now - I work at a place that appreciates my aesthetic so long as I don't go completely over the top. I'm not a fetish Goth so there's no worries there, but I do tend towards dark mori and romantic Goth when I'm not wearing my everyday casual Goth stuff. Long skirts, corsets, and loads of scarfs/shawls work in so many ways!


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