Pandemic update...

Another day in paradise. Well, not really.

After a really shitty night of sleep where I woke up several times gasping for breath due to my sleep apnea I'm finally up and about for my day.

Still not back to work. Stupid pandemic. And even when we do re-open we're going to be at reduced capacity, which likely means less hours for me. I may just request that they don't call me back until we're fully open for operation or until they can give me my f/t hours again. I'm sure that if it comes down to it that I can reapply for EI again using the hours from my time at the grocery store - my previous claim ran out last week, but I was eligible for the CERB thingy for the remainder of the month so at least I had some money coming in. Woo?

One thing about not being able to go out and about is that my spending has been slashed way down. It's so weird to have more than a couple hundred bucks in my bank account and to have all my bills paid off. I can tell you that if I cleared $2000/mo I'd be able to live on my own in this apartment. But I'd be lonely as fuck, although I wouldn't want to deal with a roomie who isn't my kid. Although the plan is to start looking for a place with at least three bedrooms and allows pets so a friend of mine can move in with us so she can finally leave her husband.

In a very large way, I'm not sure I want to risk my friendship with this person by sharing a place. All three of us deal with depression, and I know I get damn bitchy at times when I don't feel like I'm getting the privacy I need. And I'm not one to spend all my time in my bedroom these days either. I think a LOT will depend on the size of the place we can afford, to be entirely honest. The more space, the better. And I hope my friend has no issues with the gothy touches that will be throughout the place as I don't want to limit it to just my bedroom :P

It looks like the plan is to try to be back to work for June 8, 2020, but for the hotel side of things a lot depends on whether or not we have any guests. The tourist season is going to be pretty much non-existent this year, especially as out-of-province tourists are not permitted into the province at this point. And who knows if we'll get any staycationers booking with us, especially after everybody has been out of work for so long. Who can afford to stay at a hotel any time soon?

In other news, I'm finally managing to maintain my blood sugars at the correct levels! I've been a lot more diligent about taking my meds properly, instead of going days or weeks without taking any of them. After not having taken my diabetes meds for months I did have to ramp up to the diagnosed dosage so that I wouldn't shock my system, but I have discovered that I do need the high doses that I'm taking in order to control my blood sugar. I tell you, it's a weird feeling to not be running a really high blood sugar level, especially at first. If it weren't for me testing my blood sugars when I started feeling odd I'd have thought that my sugars were too low, but they were actually right in the correct range each time. Just goes to show how long I've been living with high blood sugar. I have so far managed to avoid having to deal with insulin injections - my doctor gave me one final chance to get on track with everything, and added meds to deal with high cholesterol and the start of fatty liver disease. No, I wasn't drinking a whole lot, and now I'm not drinking at all. Not that I'm supposed to be drinking while taking my anti-depressants anyway. But after my doctor gave me the grim results of my last round of blood tests I knew it was time to start taking better care of myself.

Also, after making sure my bills were paid and my portion of next month's rent was put aside, I decided to buy myself a new laptop. My current one is slowly dying and will not longer play most of my games, and the one game it does still play will freeze up unless I have a fan blowing on my laptop to keep the damn thing cooled down. I've cleaned the various air vents, reseated the fans, applied new thermal paste where it needed to go, but there's been no real change. So, I bought a mid-range gaming computer that I found for an amazingly low sale price. I checked the reviews of course, and it seems perfect for my level of gaming. I had looked at buying a desktop computer, but I like being able to sit wherever I want in my home and being able to take my laptop with me when I go out somewhere. If I were more of a hardcore gamer, then I'd probably consider a desktop rig because I'd rarely leave the house!

I've also started another blog to record random memories of my life. Why? Because I feel the need to get them written out somewhere. It also helps me deal with the emotions surrounding my earlier years. Even if nobody ever reads it, that's okay. I'm not writing it for other people - I'm writing it for me. Just like I write this blog for myself.


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