So, instead of a new car I've had to get a new place to live. Thank goodness for the loan I took out or I'd be screwed.

Earlier this week, my roomie came to me to let me know that she is going to be heading back to Alberta because her son needs her. I fully understand that because I'd do the same if my daughter needed me and we didn't live in the same city/province. I didn't get mad, I told her that family comes first and that I'd start looking for a new place right away.

I went kijiji and started sending messages to some promising looking possibilities. And I got a bite right away for a room in a hourse directly behind one of the malls that serves as a transit hub. Perfect for me, especially because the deal for the car seems to be in the process of falling apart. Woo, right?

I saw the room Thursday and was absolutely thrilled! It's in the basement of the house but there is an egress window in case of emergency. It also means that it should remain cooler during the summer months, thankfully!

In the basement is also a bar, but it isn't really used as a bar. Which is fine with me, honestly. It has cupboards that I can put all my food into, and there's a LOT more space than what I currently have for my food. There's a half bath right in the laundry room in the basement, which is ideal for my need to pee a lot during the night. There's also a half bath on the main floor, and a full bath on the second floor...I need to invest in a housecoat again after tossing the old one I had that didn't fit right. Oh well, such is life, right?

I will also have access to a small chest freezer, which will help a lot because the freezer in my mini-fridge is itty bitty. Oh, and the landlady was going to supply me with a mini-fridge that she has in the basement, but I told her that I've got one of my own too. I also managed to save her some money because she was going to buy a bed frame and dresser for the room - I explained to her that I already have these items.

I told her that I went from a 2bdrm apartment to an unfurnished room, so I've kept what I could. When I told her how much the rent had gone up on that place she was absolutely shocked!

People have been saying that I could have just taken over the place I'm in now, but there are a few reasons why that wasn't going to work. One being the fact that the property management company and I had a bit of a major falling out when I moved out of the first place I had here in the province - they refused to honour the agreement that I had with the homeowner concerning paying four months rent when my student loan money came in, and promptly never repaired ANYTHING. Plus, the place was full of mold, to the point that I ended up with what my doctor at the time believed was fungal pneumonia. So, not only did we leave owning rent, but we also never gave notice...not the smartest thing to do, but at that point I didn't give a rat's ass.

So, I let my roomie know that I've potentially got a place and would be moving at the end of the month...and that's when she says she's not moving at the end of the month after all. That her brother can't make it out until September to help her move, and she might be having surgery, blah blah blah. Well, that was a little too late to tell me this news. But such is life.

She's going to be moving in with her boss by the end of the month anyway, so I suppose it's all good. Sure, we'll technically have the place until the end of July, which basically gives us time to get any last minute things out of the place and do a deep clean. She's already told me that next weekend she's going to be getting any of the large furniture items moved out, but I'm okay with that, honestly. It will give me a place to put my boxes and bins so I'm ready to move out at the end of the month.

Honestly, it's probably a good thing that I found out now while I've got the money to do the move. Coming up with rent and deposit at the same time is difficult when you don't make a lot of money in the first place. I was able to pay my deposit and first month's rent right away, so that's great. Part of me is very tempted to say screw it to paying the July rent for where I'm at now because I honestly wasn't given the correct notice period AND I panicked to find a place quickly because my roomie said she was leaving at the end of this month...yeah, I'm not happy about that at all. Especially upon finding out that she's not leaving right away.

If I'd known what her actual plans were, I'd have taken more time to find a place where I could have my cat with me. The one major drawback to my new place is that I can't bring my cat. Thankfully, my daughter and her partners have already said yes to taking her in. With things finally quieting down in the area around my workplace, I can go visit my cat on a regular basis though. And maybe, in time, I can ask my landlady if I can finally bring my cat home with me...she's got a male cat, which is why she said no to any other cats. I get that, and at the time I couldn't afford to be picky. I figure that after a year, I may end up looking for another living situation and focus on finding something where I can bring my spoiled furbaby home. I'm not abandoning her or dropping her off at the SPCA - she's going to a home where she'll be spoiled rotten and well cared for.

I had hoped to be able to stay where I'm currently at for at least another year, but something had been telling me that something was going to happen. I'd had several dreams that my roomie was going to end up moving back home, which is partly why I never bothered putting up the rest of my art and decor around the place. And now it's happening, although not with the haste I'd originally been dealing with. In the end, though, it will all work out. It always does!


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