I may have a car lined up! A friend of mine and her husband have five vehicles between them, and I've long been after them to make arrangements to sell me one. Only half-joking about it too, because why on earth would 2 people need five cars?

I can understand having one for each of them as daily drivers, and then one that handles our shitty winter weather better. But five? 

So, my friend and I have been talking about the potential of selling one to me cheap or giving it to me for the cost of the transfer fee and registration. The insurance would be on me, of course. And I've already started pricing out insurance here. I wish it was easy to just go to a single website, punch in the necessary numbers to get quotes from the different providers, but it's simply not that easy. Even trying to get insurance through my bank requires me to make an appointment to go down there. I even tried online via TD and their website failed. I really don't like going into places in person, especially for things like this. It drives me nuts.

I've applied for a loan to help with the cost of insurance, registration, and transfer fees. And I'm confused with that too, because for some reason, despite having been pre-approved for $5K, I'm being told I can get less than half that. I mean, it should be okay considering I'll be getting the car for cheap. But still. I will need to figure out how to get up there tomorrow to do the paperwork...I might end up enlisting a friend of mine to meet me at the mall or something, and give her some extra gas money to do it.

In my excitement I have hit Amazon and saved a bunch of things to a wish list. Car seat covers, cup holder coasters, and the like. Because of course I have. I will see if I can get them cheaper elsewhere, but at least now I have an idea for what I want. Especially because I want to keep the car well-maintained, unlike every other vehicle I've had in the past where they've lasted a year for me. Part of that though was because I was making substantially less and couldn't even afford basic maintenance for those things that I couldn't handle on my own. Go figure, right?

I've already been putting out feelers for cheaper repair options should anything go sideways with the car. I know a few things it needs fixing, but I can likely do some of it myself.

Part of me is so worried that this will all fall through, and I'll be screwed out of a car. All I can do is hope, keep my fingers crossed, and see what the immediate future holds. Especially because I did not get approved for as much as I'd expected. Just. Ugh.

Once I've got the money in my account, I'll reach out to my friend to let her know that the amount I actually got approved for is WAY less than I had originally been lead to believe. Or say nothing at all, do the dance with the DMV to get the vehicle transferred and registered in my name, use the loan money to pay for insurance for a year upfront, and go from there. I do intend to pay her bits as I can afford it, but I know she won't expect it. She's aware of how broke I usually am at the best of times. And I know that I will need to seriously cut back on my spending between eating take-out or at work, and going to Value Village.

And at least with a car, I can look at moving further out of town - rents further away from the capital are significantly cheaper. And, if worse comes to absolute worse, my cat and I can live in the damn car.


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