So, I discovered that my boss' boss is the one who caused a really high turn over rate at my hotel a few years ago. And after yesterday, I can see why. But I have to keep in mind that once I walk out of the hotel at the end of each day that I don't have to let her own so much of my time and I can leave behind her bullshit when I walk out the door. I am to the point now where not answering calls or messages outside of work may become a thing. Other than the fact that I am the on-call person for the hotel after hours. I will have to figure out something there because I honestly do think that a regular employee shouldn't have so much responsibility put onto their shoulders. It's one thing when I'm doing it for my boss, but another thing when I'm doing for the hag who has successfully managed to piss me off to the point where I'm ready to have a go at her for her bullshit. A large part of the issue is that my boss and her boss do not communicate. Well, not witho...
Showing posts from February, 2021
Finally found some energy...
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...and cleaned out my pantry. To some people that might not seem like that huge of an accomplishment, but considering how shitty I've been feeling today it's a HUGE accomplishment. Especially as it's been needing done for a long while now. I threw out a the equivalent of 1.5 outdoor garbage bags of expired food, including one can of soup that expired in 2019. Considering how huge I am on checking expiry dates when I buy things, the fact that I've had that can of soup for so long is a bit worrying. But it also shows how my brain shuts down when I'm at home as opposed to when I'm working or shopping. Welcome to the ADHD/bi-polar/anxious brain of yours truly! I don't get euphoric highs that most people associate with a bi-polar diagnosis. Sometimes I wish I did because I tend to think that I could actually get things done. And then I realize that it doesn't work that way because mania is not a good state of mind and body either. A person with that type of b...
Brief Pandemic Update
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The confirmed COVID infections keep adding up day after day, and the suspected cases aren't any better. COVID may have hit our hotel too as our housekeeper is currently isolating because her spouse is symptomatic and had his test yesterday - we will find out the results soon enough, but I am certain that it is going to come back positive. I am very grateful that I have not had a lot of direct contact with the housekeeper because with my luck I would end up sick as hell and hospitalized. This is much too close to home for my comfort, and I'm more than a little worried. But I am doing my best to remain positive and upbeat whenever I'm at work. At home is another story - today I spend most of it in bed dealing with depression and anxiety. I simply had no spoons left to function regardless of how much I had wanted to get done today, the first of my two days off this week. I even tried to change up the scenery for myself today before I gave up and retreated to my bed. I have bee...
Thoughts about work, changes in job titles/duties, and more
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COVID can go away any time now, I swear! So, the province is pretty much locked down for the next couple of week because our infection rates started climbing, due in part to a volleyball tournament and a huge party full of high schoolers, at least on of which was infected. At first the metro region was under locked down for two weeks, but then it expanded to the entire province. Or at least the island portion of it. Right before Valentine's Day - one of the hotel's busiest periods. This lead to a lot of cancellations this past weekend, and more during the rest of the month as well. There goes our expected revenue down the tubes. Mind you, it's not too horrible considering we've been down two bodies at work for over a week now. Now we're down a housekeeper because she needs to isolate due to her spouse exhibiting symptoms, and we're stretched pretty thin. It's a damn good thing that I'm able to help with the housekeeping side of things or we'd be scre...
Work update!!
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Work is going to be interesting for at least the next couple of weeks - not only are we down a guest services agent, but our manager is now also out for the next couple of weeks on her doctor's orders. Thankfully, I've worked understaffed in the past so this really isn't that huge of a deal for me. Besides, the two of us front desk agents work well as a team so I'm sure we'll handle this just fine. We do have our manager's boss to fall back on but she really isn't somebody I feel we can fully rely on. But with my wide range of experience, including time spent in management, and my coworker's experience and training in the industry we'll do just fine. Thank goodness we're a small set of properties! Today I went in for what turned out to be three hours. During that time I confirmed with our onsite physio clinic that they'd be closed and called their patients schedule for today to reschedule as the clinic would remain closed today, answered a bu...
Heeeeeerrrrrreeeee's Joooohhhhnnnnyyyyy! Or, well, Raven :P
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So, I'm going to out myself and what I look like: I'm really happy with today's look! I don't often wear makeup but I decided to go for it today. I own a LOT of makeup, most of it on the pricey side (I'm a bit of a makeup addict despite the fact I rarely wear it) and sometimes I do get the urge to wear it. I was originally only going to put on a bit of eyeliner and lipstick, but I ended up doing my entire face...including blush and highlighter. Both items I rarely ever touch but today I figured that if I screwed it up I could just scrub my face before I left for work. So far I've been told that I look younger than I already do, and I already look really young without makeup on. I know I could experiment with graphic eyeliner designs and stuff, and sometimes I do exactly that, but for work I don't think it's a good idea. Not until I get really good at it. Which means I do need to put makeup on more often LOL And I think I've been inspired to do so, a...